Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I agree with you as a fellow retiree, I am always working on that 4th coop, or securing a run or cutting and stacking more firewwood. Yet many people I encounter wonder what do you do in retirement.

Glad Chickenstock went well! I had wanted to attend, but had only nieces graduation open house today.

Those smoked birds look better than the ones in Cabela's catalog's...LOL
Went out and work on the door of the large fowl coop, filled all the waterers, went to town and bought a gift for Hope's youngest granddaughter. Now I trying to decide if I should mow the lawn, weed the garden, or take a nap. There is a certain chair I should avoid lest it exert undue influence on my decision.
This whole weekend has been a washout. I hope everyone else is having better weather, because I feel like I live in a swamp around here. We have already had over 4 inches of rain this month, and I think most of it happened in the last few days!

How did the smoked chicken do at the picnic?
Sunny today and hot and humid, perhaps a chance of rain, we need so me so bad it is terribly dry here. I found this great old gas stove on craigslist that would be perfect for my back porch cannning kitchen. The guy only lives about an hour and a half away...I was so excited...told DH...his response.."you can forget it, I'm not driving that far to pick up a stove"
Anyway thats what I would have liked to have done!! So no more pies and homemade bread for him....hmpff! Do most of my cooking during the summer on the back porch but my old stove's oven quit working. Other than that life is good here, planning on picking black raspberries tomorrow for some more pie filling and jam. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Hello mamagardener,

well, i can't speak for everyone, but i LOVED the smoked chicken.
tender, moist, and tasty. delicious.

alright, i admit i took some with me, to eat on the two hour ride home.

i think the smoked chicken had very few, if any leftovers at the end of the day.

great stuff Opa!
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Sounds like Chickenstock was a blast. Wish I could have been there.

MamaG - we are washed out here too. Been raining here every day for the last 10 days or so. Welcome to summer in Scotland!

On a more positive note I have a chick! Only one mind you and I don't think she will hatch any more but one is better than none. Cute little bugger too. She wasn't the best broody, I hope number 2 does a better job - her hatch is due around Wednesday.

According to the index this is Random Ramblings so I guess that what tonight offering is.

The house is quiet, Hope and Granny have both gone to bed, so I'm sitting here listening to old country songs and reading. I love the emotion and feeling that some writers are able to convey with their words. One song I just heard probably has one of the nicest things ever written that one could say to their significant other. "I can't swear that I'll be here for the rest of your life, but I swear I will love you for the rest of mine". I'm envious of writers that are able to say so much with so few words. I'm sure that no matter how you are feeling there is a song that can reflect your mood perfectly. Oft times I'll hear a song and think "yep, that's me".

I'd like to get up from the table and go sit in my recliner and just kick back and relax, but my old dog Daisy is stretched out in it fast asleep. Lately her age is starting to show and she has to work so hard to get up into it that I don't have the heart to disturb her. It's sad watching a good friend become a little less each day knowing that soon they won't be there. She has always wedged herself between the recliner's arm and my leg and I don't know if I will be able to fall asleep in it without the pressure of her body against my leg. This afternoon I had to go pickup a few things at the grocery and when she heard my truck keys rattle she was at the door. When I ask her if she wanted to go for a ride she practically launched herself out the door, down the stairs and ran to the truck. She was at the truck door, spinning in circles, and barking madly like she was saying hurry up, lets go. The door was barely open and she jumped to the running board and then to the floorboard. Sadly the last fell short of the objective and she fell back to the ground. She just can't quite make the jumps like she used to. I guess I'll need to start picking her up before I open the door. However, she has gotten cautious about getting out of the truck now. Now she waits for me to sit her on the down rather than launching herself from the truck seat to the ground like she used to do. I guess I can relate to her situation as I now sound like a box of Rice Crispies myself.
Alright, now you have me crying and missing my first corgi. He'll be gone five years this Thursday. After all this time I still tear up thinking about him and his silly ways. I too am watching the decline of an old friend. She will be 10 this year and she's moving much slower than she used to. But the mad dash out the door first thing in the morning hasn't changed.

Music has always had the ability to transport me and I often associate a song with a certain event in my life. It might just be driving down the road in one particular area and I wonder why it reminds me of THAT moment in time. I will sit and sing along to my favorite songs, looking up song after song on u-tube and before I know it hours have passed. Music can be so cathartic.

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