Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Good morning all, we have another extremely hot and humid day going for us today and apparently for the next several days.

This morning my heart is breaking, my cousin's daughter who is about 33 years old has been fighting brain cancer for several years...her fight is almost over. They have tried everything, even a clinical trial that did not work and not her tumor is unstoppable. I received word this morning that hospice is with them and she is fading in and out, so very sad, as a mother my heart is breaking. Miriam will leave behind her a 7 year old daughter and an amazing husband who has been there with her thoughout this long ordeal at her side praying for a miracle, and showing a steadfastness in his commitment to her and his faith that has been inspirational. Please take a moment today and pray for this young family as they face this next chapter in her journey. Thanks for listening.....
The fish sounds wonderful Sam, wish I lived a little closer!
CCMH, very sorry to hear your news. So young to go. All are in my thoughts, please receive good thoughts of strength and peace from me, for all.
So sad to read of someone whose life has just started being taken from those who love her. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family. This is a prime example of why I claim there are no bad days only bad attitudes. If we are fortunate to be granted another day we need to be thankful for it.
Wylie thanks for the hugs and prayers for our family.

FPF, I agree, a stop to the pain would be a relief for all of them.

Ranchie the gift of your thoughts of peace and strength are welcome and needed, thank you.

Opa, thank you for your prayers, they are appreciated; how wise what you say, we take too much for granted, especially those we care about and love.

For the short time I have been a part of BYC I have come to know that you are all very special folks; how grateful I am to have found this thread full of thoughtful caring new friends.
Finished the job early, stopped and picked up a few groceries, and was still home to fix Granny her lunch. After lunch I went out to work in the garden; I'm weeding and placing grass thatch around all the plants. After about 3 hours I decided that it will have to wait until early evening. It's just to hot and humid for this old boy. The sweat was so profuse that it was difficult to see. I had hoped that I could have gotten it done as they are predicting severe thunderstorms for late afternooon.
I agree with you Opa on it being too humid....I tried to work this afternoon on adding insulation to interior walls of my newest coop. It was hot yesterday, but worked at it. Today, I was sweating and breathing hard after 1/2 an hour. Too humid in Michigan.

We will have to disagree about the best tasting fish to fry up. Walleyes are great, but give me some 9-10 inch bluegills to fillet and there is the best eating fish in Michigan! IMO...

Keep smiling!


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