Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

While technically the sun started to rise at 509am and the birds are starting to sing, no rational human being should be awake at this hour unless they have somewhere they need to be. Where I need to be is fast asleep, yet here I am. I sat up reading until 1am, woke briefly at 3, and then it was 4am and I was wide awake. By 5 I decided I might as well make a pot of coffee.

Today is Fathers Day and I hope my father is watching down on me. I was fortunate that I was allowed to have him for 61 years of my life. A few years before he passed he and I discussed his inevitable end and his biggest concern was how my mother would fair without him. I assured him that he needn't worry, that I would always be there for her. He laughed, said he already knew that, but it was comforting to hear me voice it.

His last year he started drifting off into his own little world and it was heartbreaking to visit and have him not sure who any of us were. So when he did pass it wasn't a sad occasion but more like his God was letting him come home. Now everytime I fix Granny her breakfast I feel I am closer to my father and the promise I made to him. He taught me the importance of honesty and integrity and gave me the skills to become a father myself. Sadly, many men don't seem to understand that being a father is much more than the biological ability to reproduce. A father is an example, one you strive to be like. I am extremely proud of my 3 sons and the men they have grown to be, and I think I have helped to guide Hope's 2 sons as well. If I can claim any success for myself as a father, it is only because I had one myself. Happy Fathers Day Dad.
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CCMH, my sympathies to all of Miriam's family and friends. What a kind and generous legacy she has left, must have been a wonderful lady.

Happy Father's Day Sam, hope David gets the power back soon so the celebration can go on as planned!

It's never a dull moment here. It's been so hot and humid that my brain is already boiled from being outside. And inside, since our power seems to go off at least once a day.

We have now hauled #8 yellow rat snake to the Nature Preserve - this was a big one, he measured at 6 feet long. I had to uncoil him from DH's arm to get him into the snake bucket. Luckily this is a huge preserve, pretty much unvisited. I know transporting can cause issues like territoriality and bugging other landowners, but there are no houses around there and I don't care if they get along or not. If 8 (so far) can share the roof of our house then they can learn to play well elsewhere!

The 2 chicks Goldie hatched are growing well, I am almost positive the Delaware Blue Hen is a rooster! YAY! After MacLeod died I was awfully tempted to put some eggs in the incubator. But browbeating by those near and dear to me prevailed, and the bator still gathers dust. It's pretty touch and go timewise, but one of my blue Ameraucana hens has decided to go broody! Well I HAVE to give her some eggs, right?
So today I will tuck some of Mac's eggs under here and see what happens!

DH is bringing in vegetables from his garden daily, I'm having a hard time keeping up with cooking them. Not enough to start canning yet, not sure if there will be. That's how he unwinds though, so it's all for good.

Today will be mostly household chores, which means planty of kitchen work! Guess I'd best get started!

Apologies for any typos, I also broke my glasses this week! Pretty funny trying to find the tiny screw with the canning jar lid lifter. Didn't work either.
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Happy Fathers Day!!

I think I pulled something on my ankle. It huuuurts!

to Miriam's family and friends.
Hi PK!
Hope the ankle is better soon!

Snake #9 today -
Another 5 footer, he/she is going about 40 miles away tomorrow. Got three eggs from under the broody hen before she ran out screaming and we caught it.
It's feeling a lot better, thanks!

Snake number nine?!!? I didn't think South Carolina was full of snakes.

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