Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

CCMH, Miriam' family will stay in my thoughts and prayers as I'm sure it will in many others as well. BYC seems to have attracted a large percentage of caring and compassionate people. All one need do is read a few of the different threads to discover that this site is populated with caring and helpful folks.

I talked with my youngest son Scott, tonight and he was telling me about his weekend in the Arcadia Valley and how beautiful the area is. Alyssa really liked Johnson's Shut-in and they loved playing in the water and relaxing in the pools. I can't believe in all the years I've traveled to, or lived in Missouri that I missed going to a place so beautiful. I think this fall I may have to go there. I will be traveling to St Louis, then to NE Arkansas, and finally to Monett, MO. As I travel up highway 60 it would be quite easy to make a slight detour.

Today is the longest day of the year and it is still light enough to be able to see the chicken runs. The longer amount of daylight is the reason our gardens here in the north are able to amount to much given how late in the spring it is before we can plant. I think I had previously posted that I have trouble raising okra. Since okra thrives on hot weather some years it really has to struggle. In addition to the okra another hot weather plant I put in was sweet potatoes, but I also planted rutabagas. So now I have plants that prefer hot, over eighty days, and plants that would prefer the temperature never climbs above 70. It will be interesting to see which one wins the weather war.

We eat lots of sweet potatoes and Granny loves fried okra so if they thrive that would be great, but I also like making and freezing venison pasties and they are authentic, nor taste as good without rutabaga. No matter which way the weather turns out we will both win and lose.

It's funny how some one can become a spokesperson for a product and I find myself looking forward to seeing their next commercial. Ocean Spray has been running ads using the same two guys and they mesh extremely well managing to produce a commercial that tells you about the product and entertains at the same time. One of their more recent offerings is about cranberry juice with no added sugar. They standing in a cranberry bog surrounded by floating berries and saying how there is no added sugar. The younger guy dumps a 5 pound bag of sugar while saying they won't be using it. The old guy reminds him that there not adding sugar and he then tells every one not to use the berries around him. Every time I see it I can't help but smile. I guess that speaks volumes about my live style if I can find amusement in something so simple.
Just stopping by on a flying visit. So busy at this time of year, I hate it but I suppose it keeps me out of mischeif!

Taking the Princess to the theatre today as part of her birthday present. Her favourite TV show is on stage today so she is super excited to go and see it.

Hey PK, I liked it better when you were being British!

I lost a chick yesterday due to a stupid mistake on my part. Lesson learned, but I do wish that these lessons were a little easier sometimes. One of the others has a dodgy foot/leg which I have done my best to splint/tape up. The others are very interested in it's new footwear so not sure how long it will stay on.

Have a good day all!
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Thanks! When you are on your trip this fall we would be happy to see you and show you our little peace of the world. We are north of 60 on 21, will be in touch when the time gets closer.. You would enjoy the shut ins, quite an unusual place and getting back to normal after the catastrophe there a couple years ago. Lots of wonderful natural beauty to see around here, we are big fans of the Current River and try and go at least once a week.
Have to admit I'm a little corny too and love the cranberry guys!! Its the little stuff that makes life special anyway!!
CCMH, this is just one more example of what a wonderful site BYC can be. I certainly have been privileged to meet some wonderful folks here. Heck, I even wound up with a beautiful daughter.
Hello Opa. Would you and your friends mind if I stopped by for a cup of coffee now and then.?. I'm new to BYC, except for passing through now and then. This post has always seemed so friendly, that I finally registered onto BYC. I don't post much, but really enjoy reading all of the stories. I'm from Deming, NM, down in the boot heel. If I get out of hand some way, just tell me, and I'll make whatever corrections I need to. Thanks. Will

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