Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Went this morning and picked raspberries and will go again tomorrow as there were just as many that weren't quite ready today. Only picked about 3 quarts today but they were just across the street and they were free so that made them especially nice berries. After picking tomorrow I'll make some freezer jam with them.

Spent part of the afternoon working on the modified chicken ark. The framing is all done, the door to access the lower portion is installed, and the wheels attached to one end. The 1/2"x1" welding wire is all attached so tomorrow I'll install the floor and nest box partition. Since we no longer have any lumber yards in the area, and Lowes, Menards, and Home Depot don't carry the type of wood siding I want to use I guess I will be at a standstill until I can drive about 50 miles to a lumber yard. I want to use a rabbited and beveled siding called Dolly Varden and I'm sure it will probably be expensive, but since I'm going to have to look at it every day when I'm done it's going to have to look like I have pictured it. I've been taking pictures at the various stages and when complete I will post them.
I'm good, and yes, I am enjoying summer and the fact that Grandpa is here to hang out with us.
Good Morning Everyone! Thanks for the welcome ranchy and CCMH.

No rain last night but they are calling for showers throughout the day. The good news is that after today, we aren't forecast any rain until next weekend.
We've got a pile of branches that needs burning (wish I had a chipper) and it has been so wet we can't burn. The pile keeps growing with each storm we get. I wish I could send some rain down to you CCMH, and anyone who could use it!

ranchy, I got some Muscovies this year, mama and four ducklings, from a friend. Two of the ducklings will be going to another friend in a couple of weeks. They are some great entertainment and I do spend more time cleaning up after them than almost four times that many chickens. I hope you are able to find the right balance of chickens and ducks that won't be too much for you.

CCMH, I hope your "Milk Mom" finds some time to enjoy her new little girl amidst all the work that needs to be done! We will be traveling to Little Rock in late Aug/early Sept, depending on when the granddaughter decides to be born, and aren't looking forward to the hot, humid temps you all are having down that way. The humidity here is bad but our temps aren't what you have. Take care while outside doing chores in that weather.

Opa, I'll be praying for DS #3 and his success. Our greatest desire is for our children's success. DD #6 is here visiting for the weekend. Keep her in your thoughts as she is taking college classes throughout the summer. Raspberries sound great...hope you are able to many more today.

PK, Enjoy your visit with your grandfather and your summer break!

The coffee was great but must get going, chores to do before church and I can hear the thunder in the distance!!!
NAF, I'm glad that you have going us. What part of the country are you in? It's nice to know so we have a point of reference. I know what you mean about needing a chipper. I had a brush pile that was absolutely huge. My neighbors brought his chipper over and I tried it but decided that it wasn't large enough to do the job, so I just had to wait til it dried and the wind conditions were right for buring. Finally got it done and now I must rake up the unburnt pieces. The work never ends.
Opa, I'm in North Central Illinois. Closer to the Quad City area than to Chicago between I80 to my south and I88 to the north and west of I39. Your weather comes from my way so I hope you're ready for some more rain!
I want to see pics of the ark when you get it done. I can only imagine what it will look like after seeing your handiwork on the Hoosier cabinet and those mantles.

Off to church, hope everyone has a great day!
Raspberries? Did somebody say raspberries? I'm here!

Say Lemon Cheesecake and the Thistle will be here, too!
Picked raspberries again this morning but didn't get many but the bushes are loaded and they should be ripe by Tuesday. I've got to make a lot of freezer jam since Hope loves it and Morgan figures that I should keep her supplied. Several years ago, when Morgan was 5 or 6 years old, they had gone back to Louisianna for the wedding of the son of their old neighbor. They were staying with the neighbor and one morning at breakfast Pam asked Morgan how she liked the mayhaw jelly she had just made. Morgan took a bite of her toast, made a face, and said "it doesn't taste like Opa's".

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