Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

See? There IS money to be made in chickens!

That's so true, Ranchie.
I'm not sure if the storms on Sunday caused it but on Monday morning I didn't have the internet. Today I spent what seemed like hours on the phone with AT&T getting it straightened out. I haven't got the wireless router problem resolved yet so I have to come out to the office. Getting on line is going to be a hassle until I do so I wont be on as much as I'd like. However, if this is the worst that the storms affect me I'm not complaining.

I talked with my son Joe on Monday and he was told me that Friday they got home at 1130PM and he set his alarm for 330AM so he would be able to get to the airport in Springfield to catch a flight to Montana. His truck had his suitcase, laptop, and all his necessary work items, plus a two day old custom fitted straw cowboy hat. When he went out that morning to leave, his truck was gone. His other truck had been rifled and the took a large duffel bag with all of Morgan's softball equipment. I was really surprised because he lives way out in the country and there is only one other house on the mile long stretch of farm road that he lives on.
Holy cow, what did he do? Poor Joe..........It could have been random, someone watching him load his truck.
I'm so sorry Opa. Dang. Hope they recover everything.
This type of thing just burns me up!! I'll be praying they catch whoever it was and recover their property, but I know Joe and his family will never have the same sense of security again. Opa, I hope you get your service back without too much trouble.
Goodnight All
46 degrees. That's what it's here this morning. Needless to say I put a jacket on when I came out to the office. Looks like we are going to have a pretty nice week. Sunny with highs in the 70's but by Sunday they are predicting 90.

I worked for a while yesterday on the modified A-frame chicken ark. I had wanted to side in with a rabited and beveled siding until I finally got a price on it. Six 12' pieces were going to cost $120 so I've went with some T-111 siding that was free. The only down side is that I had to change the door configuration and I will have to paint it. Even with the free siding I still will have about $90 in it. I'll post pictures when it's done.

Joe was telling me that the thing that aggravates him the most about his robbery is losing the custom fitted hat. At least he is keeping a good attitude about it. On Sunday he called my youngest son and the two of them changed a couple of doors in his house to ones that he feels are more secure. It sure is sad to lose ones sense of safety in your home.
Good Morning Opa, Thought I'd stop for a quick cup and then off to work. We are enjoying the wondeful weather here as well. "Make hay while the sun shines" is definitely what's happening around here! So many haven't been able to cut the fields due to having rain every 48 hours since I don't know when. Everywhere you look now the hayfields are mown and look so lovely. The corn and soybeans are looking good too.
I'm glad to hear Joe is taking things in stride but still

A dear neighbor and friend passed away on Sunday. She was the kind of person who was always doing for someone else. The wake is today and funeral tomorrow. Her husband will be lost without her. Keep him in your thoughts please.
Have a wonderful day all!
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Good morning, MamaG-I'm so sorry you are having to go through the pain of this huge loss.

I understand what you are going through-when I lost my dad 3 years ago, I felt like the world had stopped turning and I could not, for the life of me, figure out how the rest of the world was going on with business as usual. Very strange feeling and hard to describe.
I take great comfort in knowing that my dad is VERY happy where he is and he's just waiting for the rest of us to join him in God's time. Your mom is still with you and always will be until you meet her again-it will be a joyous meeting!
Another comfort to me is this..."to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord...". Your mom is sitting up there with the Good Lord right now, smiling down on you. She'll always be there when you need her-that little voice you'll hear from time to time-you'll know it's her.
I'm sorry I am stating this so badly, MamaG, it's a very hard thing to describe, but you will soon learn what I'm talking about.
With time, the sharp pain will turn into a dull ache and eventually, you will smile and laugh at the wonderful memories you have of your mom-I promise you that.
Give yourself time to mourn the loss of your mom, but don't let it overshadow the joy you shared with her in life-she would want you to be happy.
mamag, I hope you're feeling better. I just got home from work and see you were having a bad day earlier. I can't say I know how you feel, I don't, but I want you to know there are people all over the country that are praying for you and thinking of you. I can't speak to you as a daughter that has lost her Mom but I can speak to you as a Mom. Try to focus on something you know your Mom would be happy seeing you do. If you love to garden (guessing this because of your name) and your Mom knew you did, go out and garden with the knowledge she would find joy in you doing that. You are in my prayers. Mary

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