Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I think this will post a picture of "Rocky" my two year old ? barred rock rooster. If not, I'll try again later.

Whoops. that was a picture of him and his girls. Maybe this one will work out better.

I told you I didn't post much, and now you see why. I'll try to get better.
I recently found these pictures of a snake in Africa. I think if we had these around here I'd give up chickens, move to the city, and live in the highest building I could find.

OK that is one of the vilest things I have EVER seen-any clue what kind of snake that evil thing is? I just want to make sure I NEVER get anywhere near where they live.
Hey Sally bet you wouldn't try to put that one in the relocation program!
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The snake is a African rock python from South Africa and is great example of why I don't like snakes. I think Ranchie would have trouble relocating one like this.

I said I would figure this smiley thing out, and I think I'm making progress thanks to some of the BYCers. I may be slow, but I get there someday. I hope everyone will be patient.
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The coffee is done, I've got a pulse, so it's going to be another good day. Although it is going to be very warm. I'm still getting mail so I must be home but it is starting to feel as if I'm in South Carolina.

Viejo, of course we will be patient with you. Many of us are in the same boat and those who aren't are standing on the dock.

For some reason I'm having trouble posting this morning. I keep getting server errors. Hope it straightens out soon.

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