Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

If that python shows up I'm gonna need a bigger bucket!
I haven't come across any bad snakes this year, but DH has- they get terminated. The harmless "good" snake relo count stands at 9, so far. The tenth was a 16" one that got away.

Loco, that's a fine looking flock, I love the roos tail feather! As far as the smilies, the trick is to put a space on each side.

Sam, trust me - it can't be as humid there - it's been pegged at 100% for weeks now, and storms every afternoon aren't helping any. You might as well come down this way, I have lots of projects for you and we could go fishing!
It is finally dark and I Just came in from closing up all the birds. This is the 2nd night in a row that everyone has gone to roost like they are supposed to. I repositioned birds to use the new cage and ark and it confused the hell out of several of the birds.

I did manage to get a nipple waterer system installed in the run for the Welsummers and that will certainly make watering them much easier. I was pleasantly surprized at how quickly they adapted to the new system. I think the fact that they were probably without water for most of the day might have had something to do with it. I had filled the 7 gallon waterer yesterday but I must have not gotten a good seal and all the water had leaked out.
Morning everyone! We got back home late last night, it really is nice to be back.

I will bore you all with the obligatory pics a bit later and I will try to get caught up with everything that I missed.
The sun came up again this morning, I still have a pulse, the storms that blew through here yesterday didn't do any damage, and my darlin' Thistle is home again. Yep, every thing is right with my world.
I love this!!! I saw it as a recent post- you just made my day, Opa!

Glad you found this. This thread is dedicated to the random ramblings of a rapidly aging old man and all the wonderful people I've had the honor of becoming acquainted with through BYC.
Yay, Thistle is home safely
and we get to see pics!!!

The weather man was wrong on Tuesday and we had temps in the upper 80s and then 90s Wednesday and Thursday. The storm that you got, Opa, went well north of us. Glad to hear no damages resulted there. 90s the next couple of days and then rain moving in Sunday and Monday.

Freedom Rangers from JM Hatchery are suppose to arrive today (could I have picked a hotter week?!). Waiting on the P.O. to call anytime now. Got my Bourbon Red turkey eggs, 7, from a friend yesterday, so Chickie Mama (broody Wyandotte) is working on getting them here. Everyone else is getting along fine.

MN Chicken,
Hope you'll come around for a cuppa coffee with us when you get the chance! Opa always has a pot on and something worth reading!

Later, Mary
Good morning everybody!
Highlander I can't wait to see your pictures-I hope you had a wonderful time and glad you made it home safely.
Opa Ya'll have sure been under the gun weather wise up in your neck of the woods this summer. By the way, that picture of the snake you posted the other day disturbed me so much that I had to go read a little about it and Sally it looks like those nasty, evil things have been found in the Everglades-hope they stay there and don't start migrating your way! Told DH if we lived in Florida and I found that out, we'd have to move!
Mary I hope your chicks arrive in great shape today. DH absolutely put the kaibosh on turkeys-he said NO TURKEYS, Sheila(we'll see
My first batch of Sumatra chicks was due to start hatching yesterday-nothing and when I got up this morning, there was FINALLY a pip. Hope the hatch goes well.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Thanks everyone

I'm having my coffee now! I have a day off work (much needed!), hubby is at a car show, so I have my silkie, GiGi, and my Shiba Inu, Foxy, snuggling on the couch with me! (Gigi can't come inside while hubby is home! What he doesn't know won't hurt him!) Hope you all are having a great morning!

What kind of pets do all of you have?

Opa- This is fabulous!

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