Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Hey Opa, I just wanted to let you know that Hallmark channel is showing all movies with Sam Elliot today. Right now Wild Times is on. Good thing to do on a really hot afternoon is take a break and watch a good movie.
Good Morning

PK, Be careful and drink LOTS of water!!

That goes for everyone.......just saw on the news that most of the country will be having higher that normal temps/heat indexes today!

Highlander, Great photos. Just walking down European streets gives you such a sense of history. Keep'em coming!!

Opa and Ranchie, ENOUGH already with the snake pics......EEWWWW!

Freedom Ranger chicks arrived on Saturday morning after leaving PA on Wednesday. All 26 alive but one looking very poorly. It died last night. They are in the brooder on the screened in porch on the north side of the house. It's a bit tricky to keep the temps level when it's 90 something during the day and 60-70 something at night.

VL, You seemed to have mastered the smilie function! Great looking flock by the way.

Later, Mary
Enjoy the hike, PK, and yes, LOTS of water!

Mary, you didn't like the 2 headed snake pic????

Opa, you will not believe this-


AND, my black Ameraucana roo has turned mean. Since I can't dodge him very well, he is supposedly going to another home this afternoon. It's going to be tough sleeping through the silence tomorrow morning.....
Thank you Mary, for the compliment, but I'm not sure you could say I had "mastered" the smilies. I can use them, and with time, I'll get better.

My thanks to you and Sally for the compliment on my little flock. They don't look so good now, with the summer molt and all. They are all old biddies, except the two reds. When I bought them, they were supposed to be two year olds. However, I suspect they are a bit older. There are only seven hens, but they give me four eggs a day, even in this summer heat, and their molt. Not as many as I had in Arizona, but enough for me, for now.

PK, watch your footing when hiking, and drink plenty of water. By the time you are thirsty, you are already short of water. Be careful..

Highlander, I loved your pics of Budapest. Welcome back. No matter how wonderful the place you visit may be, there's no place like home. I'll have to agree with Sam. Those two little puff balls will be chickens.

Sally, If I don't like snakes with one head, then two must be twice as bad. I will relocate the more benign ones, but rattlers only survive if I don't see them.
Can't believe how many cucumbers I'm getting. I've got 6 plants and in the last three days I've picked over a half a bushel. I think tomorrow I'd better make some bread and butter pickles. Sure wouldn't make sense to grow them and not use them. Picked the first tomatoes of the season so that sure is a welcome event. Today's were romas and while they will taste good, I can't hardly wait for the beefsteak tomatoes to start riping. Bought some thick sliced pepper bacon in anticipation of BLTs with garden fresh tomatoes.

The sun hasn't bothered to show it's self all day. We had a couple of light showers and the current temperature is 86 so doing anythinng outdoors is less than pleasant. I did build a pair of 8'x8 window screens for the neighbor and put some button holes in the straps of some overalls that Granny had made for Hope's grandson. Other than than that and making two trips to the grocery store, it's been a pretty lazy day.
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So, as it turns out, we went to the Very Large Array instead. Still fun, though! I got to learn about radio waves.
Princess, glad you did have a nice time. Any day you can go some where and learn something new is a doubly good day. It breaks the boredom of being home, and it increases your knowledge.
Too true, Opa! Did you know that visible light is inbetween, I believe, infared and ultraviolet waves? And that color is determined by the length of the ray?

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