Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I hope Granny's procedure goes well this morning.

I could use some of that butternut squash if you can throw this far!
Thistle my darlin' girl, how are you today? I just got Granny back home and the procedure went much easier than she had feared. The effect of the drug still has her a little loopy so get her in the house was a little unsettling. Fortunately David was here to help. She just had a little bit to eat and now has gone to take a nap.

Today is probably one of the prettiest days we have had in a long time. The humidity is down as well as the temperature and there is a gentle breeze so it's a good day to continue working on the brick sidewalk.

I wish I could share the butternut squash with you and if David had his way he'd give you every one of them. For some strange reason he doesn't like them. He claims they aren't any different than a gourd.
Does anyone else have a magnetic finger? Many years ago I smashed the end of one finger. The last digit was horribly crushed and the doctor wanted to amputate it. His reason was that it would probably get infected if not removed. His use of the word probably led me to believe that there was also a chance that it might not get infected so I insisted that we wait. It didn't get infected, healed with full function, and the only indication of damage is that it is slightly flattened and the nail bed was damaged resulting in a line through the middle of the nail.

I do think that another side effect of the injury is that it assumed magnetic properties. I'm sure it has the ability to pull a hammer from its projected course and divert it to the end of said finger. How else can you explain that if I hit myself with a hammer, nine times out of ten it will be that finger. This morning I thought I'd get an early start on the brick sidewalk. While using a hammer to place the brick into the sand bed the magnetic finger beckons and the result was similar to smacking a capless toothpaste tube in the middle; stuff squirts out the end.

So now I sit here with ice on the end of my bloody finger trying to lessen or delay the inevitable throbbing that I know is coming. It isn't bad enough to require medical attention, it's just bad enough to delay my project by an hour or so. I have an antiseptic/pain reliever product called S.T.37 that is surprisingly effective in minimizing the pain so after a few more minutes icing I will treat and bandage it and get back to work.
Ouch, hope your magic finger is better today Sam.

I have sent the kids off to a birthday party and DH has gone out. Looking forward to an hour with my feet up and a cuppa.
So, just getting out of bed and hearing people blab at me because of computer trouble and getting up a half hour earlier than I do on summer vacation and being annoyed because of it means I'm staying up too late. *sigh*
A light shower blew through here several hours ago and in spite of the forecast nothing more has materialized, so I guess I will try to finish the brick sidewalks. I have one 7'5' going from the house to the shop completed 16' of a 24' walk from the house to the lower driveway completed. Hopefully, I can get the last of it finished before anymore rain comes in. I have built all of this using brick salvaged from a job and I wish there had been more. I need enough to do another 75' to take it on down to the chicken coop but since it would cost about $6 -7 per foot to purchase the same brick it is way down on the list of things I need to spend money on.

Compared to what many folks in the south are having to endure, our temperatures today are pretty mild. The high today is only going to 72 so that ain't nothing. I know that at my Missouri living sons homes it it going to be close to 100.
Evening folks, was a quiet day here today; not as humid but still hot. We are supposed to be in for the hottest weather so far this summer on Tuesday and Wednesday with high humidity again...yeah!! No canning this week, just going to be too hot on the back porch. We have been overrun with cantaloupe's but that will be coming to an end tomorrow; we have picked about 30, gave most of them away and been eating A LOT of cantaloupe, momma is in hog heaven...loves the stuff! Hubby seen a copperhead in the patch today and said most of the rest of them are splitting now that we are having sooo much rain so he is going to bushhog it tomorrow along with the first corn patch to clean it up a little since it is close to our new "fall" garden rows of beans, squash and corn. Tomatoes are splitting and rotting on the vines and the chickens are even tired of eating them. We have been fortunate enough to get some for eating everyday, so really not complaining..just amazed that we have had 2 years in a row like this with so much produce ruined.

I guess thats about all here. Sam??? A HIGH of 72???? I am SOOOO jealous!!!

Hope everyone has had a peaceful and blessed day!!

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