Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Today is going to be a another good day; the sun is coming up and I'm here to see it.

It's going to get a little warmer today with the predicted high reaching 88. Compared to the 100 degree temperatures that are scorching SW Missouri, our temperature is nothing.

The garden is growing like crazy and we had our first fried green tomatoes and okra for supper last niight. We had several large tomatoes ripen only to lose them to some kiind of critter. You see a big beautiful red tomato and then when you pick it the bottom has been eaten. I initially thought that maybe it was crickets but since I can see gnaw marks on them I'm thinking it might be chipmunks.

I planted 28 bell pepper plants and now each plant has 4-5 peppers on them. They have gotten so heavy that I have had to stake the plants in order to keep them up riight. I will probably pick them today and make a batch of pepper relish. I will take several and cut them into small strips and flash freeze. Bagging them after freezing makes them handy to add to a variety of dishes.

I froze 4 quarts of blueberries and then bagged them as well. Hope likes to be able to take out just what she needs to add to pancakes or muffins. I've made blueberry jam in the past but didn't particularily care for it. There are just too many jellies and jams that I do like to waste time on ones I don't like just because I have the berries.

Having produce and giving it away or feeding it to the chickens is becoming a real bone of contention between Granny and I. She wants to can everything we have and I won't can more than we can use in a year. I also can't seem to make her understand why I don't want to can things we don't like.

The orthopedic surgeon that replaced Granny's hip and is now trying to improve her kneee problems suggest that I take her to a pain management clinic. I took her for an MRI last Friday and will be taking her to the pain specialist today. Pain management................ I wonder what he could give me?
Good Morning! It's going to be HOT and humid here today, the weather man is calling for mid 90s. Not as bad as some of you but miserable just the same!
I had a nice visit with my parents at my Dad's family reunion last weekend. Also got to see my sister, niece and the neice's fiancee. My Dad is the youngest of seven, closest sister is 13 years older, she (88) and a sister-in-law (93), are the only ones still living and they were both there (and their children, some of their grandchildren & greatgrandchildren). Stories were told, lives caught-up on and much food was eaten, a good time.
I've been busy building a new pen to separate some roos and doing a landscaping project in the yard.
Have a great day everyone!
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Hey guys :) I think were getting rain today
which is good we need some :) Lots of birthdays in the family this week, yesterday was my aunts, today is mine
and tomorrow my great grandmother is turning 92
Shes very healthy too
Happy Birthday usschicago1 !!

My tomato plants are looking real good this year. I started them in some 'grow bags' and plopped them onto the soil of the veggie garden. The soil has been used so much that the last few years my tomatoes didn't do very well. I added my compost to the bags and my tomatoes are 6 ft high and loaded! I hope I don't get any pests this year. I have a very small veggie garden, so it's just tomatoes this year.

I got a bellyache just reading about Opa's peppers and jam.

Doin' the chicken dance for your birthday!! Tell your great grandmother Happy Birthday from all your peeps on BYC!
Happy birthday to everyone whose celebrating. Birthdays are great. I hope I never quit having them.

Worked with the guys today and then came home and finished laying the salvaged brick sidewalk. It wound up that I need to come up with enough brick to do another 48'. By reducing the width of the sidewalk from 24" to 16" was able to get a little further than I thought I would. It didn't come out to bad considering that it was free.

Twenty two years ago my daughter in law was at a rodeo with some friends and fell in love with one of the bull riders. They have now been married 20 years and her slim and trim cowboy has filled out considerably. Anyone care to guess which one of these boys I raised?
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Well as you said he was slim and trim I would have to guess at the one on the far right.
Is it Joe? Now where could he have got those good looks from?

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