Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

and with no running water, so does Ranchie!


I went a whole 24 hours without a shower, you stinker, and had one just before it was turned off!
and with no running water, so does Ranchie!


Well, no one gets too stinky in 24 hours.
Ranchie, glad your water is back on.....glad I missed smelling the flowers!!

Only 102 here today but the humidity was down to about 42 percent so it felt better than the 105 with 60 percent humidity yesterday. Supposed to cool off for a couple days...can't wait for that!! But back up near 100 for several days next week....yuck! Chickens have been looking for the zippers to their suits to get them off but aren't having any luck! Some like being sprayed with the hose, others not so much; but they all like the foot baths..so I guess I will be digging some more holes if it cools off on Friday.

We have just been staying in except for what we have to do. Broke out all the crock pots and cooked in them in the basement...roast beef, mashed potatoes, fresh garden green beans and corn on the cob with homemade rolls (made those on the back porch)....so now we don't want to move. Lots of good left overs for tomorrow, so I won't have to cook!!

Worked on quilts for Christmas this afternoon, spent the morning with momma getting her bath and things she needed for the day. Tomorrow is milk day, she loves to go for that ride, so we will be out and about early since its been so hot, even in the morning.

Hope all is well with everyone! Have a great evening.

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