Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

wow Chickencrazymamahen sure sounds like you are having some really hot weather. It has been pretty nice here all summer. A week or two of very high humidity, but other than that mostly pleasant weather. We deserve it after the last few awful summers we had. Ranchie sorry to hear about the water, it is so easy especially during the summer to forget stuff like that. My DH is the one who does most of the bills, he actually likes to do it, but sometimes he starts getting behind and I threaten to take over.

I can't believe only like three more weeks of summer vacation...and back to school, and back to work for me.

My oldest started football last week, it is his first time (he's 12 almost 13). He likes it a lot, me I am not so sure. His shoulder hurts, his neck hurts, he's got bruises....I am not too sure about this. What do you all think about it?
to all my flowery smelling friends!

The beauty of living in the desert.....body butter is a necessity. Yesterday I smelled like Coconut and White Chocolate.
Looks like today is going to be the first of several really pleasant days. Currently the temperature is 59 and the high today will be 78. The real improvement is that the humidity is down. I think that tomorrow will be a good day to pick beets and get them canned.
Lookie what I got in the mail today!



Hopefully I will have more luck with this one than I did with that blasted Hovabator. Going to set some of my own eggs in it in a couple of days as a test hatch before I go and get something fancy. I'm thinking of having another go with Chocolate Orps and maybe some Lemon Cuckoo ones. I'm going to have fun egg shopping tonight!
Sweet incubator! How many eggs can it hatch?

I've never heard of Lemon Cuckoos before, what do they look like?
Thistle, that sure is a nice incubator. I had the opportunity to buy one last year that had been used twice and sold for less than half price. Like a dummy I didn't take it when I could have. Still kicking myself. I was looking at all of the automatic features on it and wonder if you could post a close up of the controls. I'm looking for the no rooster button.

While I envious of you having a new incubator, I'm more envious of some of the birds you have access to that we don't. Both that you mentioned I'd love to have but they are available here.
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