Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

okay, hi!

Sir, you are not even listening. If you wish to reply to my point, please do so by PM, as I would hate it if this thread got cluttered with us arguing.
Hello Everyone!!!

Been super busy (as usual).. I got to be a taxi driver today for the kids. Should of tripped the odometer so I knew how many miles traveled. Lots accomplished. I best get to bed. The oldest 2 and my van have to me at the church at 7am. They are all going to MI Adventures for the day. The youngest 3 and myself with a borrowed car are going to my sisters for the day to play in their pool and have a 'beach party'. Our party will be a lot cheapier

Sarah lives about 10 miles from me and with today's weather forecast it would be better to spend the day in a pool. However, if getting wet is your only goal you need not go anywhere other than outside. It's not raining but the humidity is so high that the slightest exertion will leave you sopping wet. Today is going to be a repeat of yesterday and the humidity was so high that I actually had to use my windshield wipers in order to drive safely.

Yesterday David and I were building walls at a research facility for a major automotive supplier and the air felt so "close" that even breathing would cause you to work up a sweat. I'm sure glad that we don't usually have many of these South Carolina days.
PK don't feel bad about not having a farm. This is a beautiful country with many great parts....you don't need a farm. I have seen people with just a balcony in the city grow fresh veggies and herbs. When you are older and if you are still interested you can learn. Anything on a farm can be learned with hard work and dedication. Maybe some day you will have a farm of your own. I do know that alpacas can be housed on a minimum of land, they don't need a lot of space like horses. It took me a while to learn how to grow a garden. I just read up on different ways and used a lot of trial and error.

Maybe you can also work at a farm or farm stand and learn from there

You can be a professional with a good city job, and a couple of acres with fruit trees, garden,and some animals and be semi-self-sufficient.
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Thanks Mamagardener! I was thinking of having a few potted pepper and herb plants in my apartment when I grow up. They will be my prized possessions, along with my plush dolls and manga!
It's been a funny old week here. DH's brother and his family came to visit so I had a houseful. They left on Wednesday and had got 5 minutes along the road when we got a phone call from a stranger to say that their car was upside down halfway down an embankment. It had been raining for 2 days solid and he had hit a patch of water and aquaplaned right off the road. They rolled a few times down a hilll before being stopped by a tree. If that tree hadn't been there they would have gone into the river which is seriously swollen due to all the rain. BIL had to kick the window out to get himself and the kids out of the car. Thankfully due to some minor miracle everyone is unhurt apart from a few minor scratches and bruises. So they ended up staying an extra day while they got insurance and replacement cars sorted out.

It was our 15th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday. We had planned to go out for dinner at a really nice local hotel but had to cancel due to the accident, but we managed to go last night instead. The food was amazing, I think it might have been the best meal out I have ever had. I had langoustine salad with chili lime dressing, rack of lamb and warm pecan tart. The diet starts again today!

The kids start back to school on Tuesday so I need to go and buy their new uniforms and bags etc. It's been a very quick summer - if you can call it a summer that is, the sun barely showed around here. I think you guys have stolen it all again.
highlander why did you have to say the S word(school)jk
i am going to pickle eggs tommorow

we have had a cloudy summer here too
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Thistle, my darlin'daughter. I'm glad that someone upstairs was watching out for your brother in law and his family. That had to have been a scary to come so close to disaster. Vehicles can be replaced but family can't.

Congratulations on you fifteen years of marriage. The longest I was able to make a marriage work was ten years. The second one lasted only nine. For some strange reason Hope has managed to stick for twenty two years without our being married. I think if we were to marry it would probably not last a year. I must be allergic to vows.

I was going to post the recipe for the Coconut Cream Cheese Cake but since reading that you have gone back on a diet I wouldn't want do anything to make it harder for you. I have come up with a method of reconstituting dry coconut that intensifies the flavor and results in a moister cake. Once you have reached you target weight let me know and I will post it.

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