Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Foggy here this morning. Rain is predicted for this morning and cloudy for the afternoon. Hopefully I will be able to work in the chicken yard and get all the coops cleaned and the electric fence reposisitioned to an area with fresh grass.
The garden is winding down and probably I will let the chickens have it when I get back from Missouri. I think that I will probably leave on the 27th for 2 weeks. The first leg of the trip is the longest. Ten hours will take Granny and I to an aunts house in Collinsville Illinois. We'll spend two nights with them and then head for NE Arkansas to visit another aunt and 2 uncles. Then on to Monett Missouri to visit with my oldest and youngest sons and of course my granddaughter Morgan. It's been a year since I've seen her and that is much too long.
Good day all,

Hope you're improving, Sam! I've been under the weather too, to the extent of not posting for a while, because all I would have done was snivel and whine. Nobody wants to hear that!

Still only running about 90%, but bit by bit getting better.

One thing that cheered me immensely was a certain package that arrived one day.

Inside it were some gorgeous crocheted, entirely handmade roses!

Sam and Granny sent me a dozen roses! They are absolutely beautiful!



Really lifted my spirits and a gift that will be treasured forever, thank you so very much, Granny and Sam!
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Ranchie, I'm glad the flowers brightened your day. Granny will be tickled. She sure enjoys making things like that and giving them to folks that appreciate that effort she puts into her projects makes it worthwhile.
Yes they are very pretty and intricate. When you think of the amount of thread and the number of knots that it takes to make them they are pretty amazing. Lot of folks like them, women mostly; to me they always seem like very fancy dust catchers but I'm not brave enough to tell Granny my opinion. Even if I were to paint my face blue I still don't think I could.
Well my eggies are in lockdown as of yesterday. 4 of each colour made it this far which I am thrilled with considering the rough ride they must have had through the postal system. Just have to sit back and bite fingernails until Wednesday.
Shoot, you mean to tell me that there is some other fella named Opa out there?
Won't that fancy incubator bite your fingernails for you?
I will be curious to see what the new chicks look like. Good luck.
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