Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

So how is everyone on this pine free morning? It's going to be a busy week. Lots to do in preparation for heading south next Monday. Taking Granny and going to visit some relatives and then spend 10 days with my two "southern" sons. I really am looking forward to seeing Morgan since it's been a year since I last saw here.
I am pacing the waiting room, waiting to hear how Highlander's hatch is progressing.

Opa, Morgan is likely to be taller than you by now!

Lots to do here, but mostly inside chores. Still pretty hot in the afternoons, so I'm hoping for cooler, but not cold, weather soon. Firewood aquisition is a priority today!

Happy First Day of Fall!
The temperatures here are on some kind of roller coaster. Monday it barely made 70 and yesterday hit 87. Today is supposed to be 72 and tomorrow 85 and back to the low 70's on Friday. I just hope that it isn't to warm in Arkansas and Missouri next week. I'm going to be gone from the 27th until the 12th of October and hopefully the extremely hot weather will be over with before we get there.

Granny came home yesterday and was very pleased to read that the roses brightened your day Ranchie. She sure enjoys hearing that someone appreciates her projects.
Okay, enquiring southern mind wants to know - what does one call MI folks? As a group? The only one I've heard is Michiganders, is that appropriate or a joke?
I've heard debate over whether it should be Michiganians or Michiganders and the concensus seems to favor the "ganders". However, that does open another line of thinking regarding gender. I can see referring to men from this state as Michiganders but women? Don't think most would care to be called a gander and I'm sure they wouldn't like the gender appropriate term of Michigoose.
Thistle, my darlin' girl. How has sitting on your hands as a method to prevent opening the incubator gone. Hopefully you will have a decent hatch. I'm anxious to see a chocolate chick. The only ones I've ever since have been at Easter. No wait that was bunnies, the chicks were marshmallow. So I guess I've never seen one.
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HI everyone
Those roses really are beautiful, my Grandmother used to crochet and knit and she even tried to teach me but it did'nt work because she was a righty and I am a lefty and I just could not figure it out.
The weather here today is unbelievable...it is now fall and we are very hot and humid, back to shorts for at least a couple of days.
Does anyone play fronteirville or hotelcity on facebook? My son and I play together and we need some new friends, if interested please let me know.
Ranchand I am glad you are doing better, my 9 year old and I both have our beginning of the school year colds. every year we get one, I guess it is hard to deal with 500 kids a day and not pick something up!
Today should be an interesting day. I've got to me with some people to discuss the schedule for the repair of a house they've bought. David surveyed it and came up with a cost to repair but I've yet to see it. It is a 2 1/2 story home built in 1900 from plans and materials ordered from Sears and Roebuck.

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