Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

That's Wrooster Wrangler to you, bub!

(Spelling is intended, rheally!)
Wondering what it would look like if a wrooster got loose at the wranch would the wranger wrope it or would she wrassle it.?

Well, I might wring it's neck! Or I might wring up DH to wrangle the wrooster when he gets back to the wranch. Wrheally, he's better at wroping wroosters than I am. But I free wrange some, so they always come back to wroost at night. Good thing I'm not wraising wrheas!

Best wregards from your friend,
Remember when we got into the "rh" thing when Highlander got rheas? As in Rheally?

Well, I once again have too many roosters and they are now wroosters. Because my new title is "Wrooster Wrangler"! Just playing with words!

Hi PK! ETA, very cool avvie you have now.
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Remember when we got into the "rh" thing when Highlander got rheas? As in Rheally?

Well, I once again have too many roosters and they are now wroosters. Because my new title is "Wrooster Wrangler"! Just playing with words!

Hi PK! ETA, very cool avvie you have now.

Ah, wordplay. It's ridiculously fun, surprisingly enough. Not to be confused with one of my favorite words, portmanteau.

Bright and sunny here this morning but temperature is down right scary. Here it is 930am and it has soared all the way up to 10 degrees. These kind of temperatures certainly make this chicken raising more difficult. Carrying water out to the birds every day and dealing with frozen waterers is aggravating to say the least. Yesterday while carrying water down hill to the coops my sled tipped over and 7 gallon waterer fell out. Due to being so cold and brittle the impact cracked it near the top. Enough water remained to take care of the birds for yesterday but now I must go out and buy a new one today. Oh well there is only about 90 days left to deal with frozen waterers.
Hello Everyone!

Opa, I'm right there with you on the increased difficulty of chicken raising in this weather. I open the pop doors on days when the temps are forecast to be above 15 F but only the Muscovies spend much time in their run. The chickens will sit in the doorway when the sun is shining directly in but don't want anything to do with the cold, even though the snow is removed from the runs. I can't blame them though, I don't want to be out in it either! They do seem to be out when the temps get into the mid to upper 20s, but that isn't happening much now. I can't wait until Spring!!

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