Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Cold here again this morning. It was 0 when I got up and it's supposed to soar up to 23 later today. I covered three sides and the top of my run with a heavy plastic tarp and it does a great job of keeping the snow out of the run, but it sure is gloomy in there. I have a flood lite on a timer to make it a little brighter so the birds go outside regardless of the weather.
Been lurking occasionally; reading a few pages now and then....missed the fellowship!! Hope its ok to join back in! Been so busy life got in the way I guess. Mom turned 92 and keeps me quite busy. Glad to see that you all had a good Christmas and New Years; we did too. Hope to check in more often now and keep up with everybody!! Blessings, CCMH
cccmh, glad to see you are back. You have been missed. Granny and I were in your neck of the woods back in October. Too bad we couldn't have met coffee. We could have compared notes of the trials, tribulations, and joys of momma keeping.
Yes, it would have been great to have met with you, we had another death in our family in early October and it seemed to overtake things for a while. But, things are better and spring can't be too far off.....I hope! The trials, tribulations and joys of momma keeping are a world of their own for sure. Hope you, Granny and Hope are doing well.
Going down to 10 here tonight w/below 0 windchills; so we are burning the big stacks of wood!!! Chickens are not happy about being under lockdown and protesting with reduced egg laying; hopefully by Friday they will be out and about and the snow will be gone!!!! Take care everyone! Blessings, CCMH
It's cold here but not like you all have! Makes me shiver to think of it. We're blazing through the firewood, this may be the first year I have to get 3 loads brought in. Most of the state got decent snowfall, we got ice.

Nice to see you CCMH.
It's hard reversing roles with a parent, best of the best to you.

Sam, I have confirmed 7 roosters out of the hatch of 9. WHAT am I doing wrong???
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The title of "Rooster Rancher" was bestowed due to you predisposition to attract roosters. Evidently you must be omitting a pherome that is attracting males. Perhaps a change in diet might alter your body chemistry enough to lessen your appeal. Maybe you need to eat more haggis.
Haggis? That is something I want to try! Sure I like oatmeal and spices but liver, well, I am not fond of that taste. right now I do not have much taste buds, probably due to my meds, I probably would eat liver again.

Cold outside, chickens are fine despite of the close quarters to a rooster that crowed.....oh, my ears! He is getting better than that short yip he has been displaying. Now its longer and higher pitch.

portmanteau? I thought someone was trying to misspell "Rochambeau".

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