Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Yay! Pics of the chicks at their latest development stage. Only one frizzle in the bunch but I am quite pleased with the hatch. Okay, well, maaaaaaybe..... not the 6 of the 8 being cockerals..... they're a noisy bunch! The lone Columbian roo is from a different hatch.

These bantam mottles came from shelleyb1969 in MI, I can't say enough good things about her and her chickens!

The frizzle:


A blue roo and friends:


Most of the group, one of two pullets there:


Hope all are warm and well, it's been cold here but no snow, just a bit of ice. I am soooo glad DH is back home, hopefully for more than a few days. I worry about the driving conditions, and living in a hotel is no fun for him!
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lol, the Wrooster Wrangler lives up to her reputation once again. I do so love the "beak in the light socket" look.
Cute chickies.
Yesterday, 3 of them got out through a gap in the wire on the dresser/brooder. They had a good time - me? Not so much. But I finally lassoed the little stinkers and tossed them back in. AND fixed the gate back in place.

As for the light socket look- I was worried at first, but HE seems to be growing into his feathers! I am really liking the effect, despite the alarming sight!
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Good looking birds Ranchie. I know Michelle and have visited her and her birds. She puts a lot of effort into try to raise quality birds and it shows.

I was just curious, are you sure that you don't have the pullet switch on your incubator turned off?

Cold and snowy here this morning. The temperature is just a little below freezing but the wind chill makes it miserable. The temperature is supposed to fall throughout the day till be hit sub zero so I hope the winds drop off or it really will be brutal.
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Hmmmm..... I'd better check. Be right back....

Nope, no switch. Dang, I need a better incubator!

Yes, I had heard all sorts of good things about Michelle's birds and these are going to be lovely. I'm quite chuffed about their feathering!
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Opa, good luck with the quitting smoking. I know how hard it is, I smoked until 10 years ago this past December. Until then I had smoked for many years. I quit cold turkey, and now I don't miss it one bit. I had tried and tried, but after spending a week in the hospital with my son and never leaving his side that was it for smoking and me. I hated my son being in the hospital, but he ended up fine and I quit smoking so something good came of it. I remember when he got out, I left him with my husband and went out for a little while. I bought some cigarrettes lit one up and felt very ill. I put it out and haven't smoked since.

The good news around here is it is staying light later, the bad news is it is too cold to go outside and enjoy it. How long until spring?
We're having a heatwave!!!
58 degrees today and sunshine....of course it was only today, its Missouri....tomorrow will be colder, cloudy, and yucky....but today was great...perfect chicken house cleaning weather.....lol. Hope everyone had a wonderful day, sounds like we are all ready for a little spring!

Love the pics of your chicks ranchie! Blessings...CCMH
Bright sunny beautiful morning and the temperature has skyrocketed up to 18 degrees. Fortunately the winds are calm so being outside isn't totally unbearable. Dropped Granny off at church, went grocery shopping and just waiting to go pick the old girl up. When I get back I need to water the birds and then see if I can't get my workshop cleaned and straightened up. Enjoy your day all.
OK, where did everybody go??? Hope you didn't leave cause I came back!!!
Is anyone else wondering if Opa may have forgotten and lit a match?????????

Supposed to snow here tonight and tomorrow and get cold again....made the obligatory run to town today to pick up a few things....so let it snow!! Seriously, hope all is well with everyone. Blessings, CCMH

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