Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Artic Blast! Bitter Cold! Certainly not words you want to hear the weatherman utter when you first get up. It currently is 10 degrees but the windchill is -12 and it isn't supposed to get a whole lot warmer as the day goes on. Tonight they are calling for sub zero temperatures which is more words I don't care to hear.

It snowed almost all day yesterday but it was so fine that I don't think we even got a half an inch. My part of the state doesn't get the snowfall amounts that HHB receives. She is located about 130 miles northwest of me and receives much more lake effect snow from Lake Michigan.
Yep, that's what's here this morning.
The outside temp right now is -9 and my remote (inside the barn where the coops are) thermometer says it's 1 in there. I have electric dog bowls so water isn't an issue, but I hope the comb on my Java cockerel doesn't freeze!! I'm glad I don't have to work today.

Later, Mary

edited because my grammar was still asleep
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-23 here this morning. Combs are turning black, but they all seem healthy. Been giving them corn to keep the heat up. Still laying so all is good. Oh yeah, ya gotta love winter in Minnesota. Keeps the skeeters down in the grass, ya sure you betcha.
I just heard -20 Sunday night and more snow on Tuesday. They say it is probably going to be the worst storm so far. I don't know where people are going to put it all, the snow banks are already blocking the view of the streets for drivers. I am so glad I work at the school, and don't have to work on snow days. I always feel bad for people who have to take time off from work to stay home with their kids. My DH didn't come home last night, he stayed at work because he had to be back at 6 a.m. in the middle of the snow storm. At least the snow stopped and the sun came out, and he will be home tonight.
Keep warm everyone, I don't have an electric water heater, so I have to keep bringing water out to the chickens. Oh well, at least the days are longer and they are laying more than in December.
Moma G, I'm sure you have an old cookie tin lying around somewhere. While I have a couple of electric waterers, they only hold about 2 gallons so this year I put a 100 watt bulb in a metal cookie tin and put a 5 gallons waterer on that. Much easier than filling and flipping the hanging electic ones.

Ewesheep, I have sold eggs and chicks in the past and probably will again this year however, I currently have all of my roosters in separate cages. I got tired of dealing with frostbitten combs so I brought them all inside the chicken coop.
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