Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Yikes, sounds like you all are in for a rough time. I can only echo what Sam said, stay safe and warm please. Take care all!
Having a major storm hit on February 2nd, Ground Hog Day, is a big deal but no where near as important as the Thistle's birthday. Snowstorms happen on a regular basis, but having a cyber daughter is a rare and beautiful thing.
Good Morning Opa, Our forecast is for 15-18 inches of snow and winds of 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. An inch or two today, but the worst of it late Tuesday through Wednesday. Then -9 F Wed night and a HIGH of 8 above on Thursday. I am so ready for Spring to arrive. Chances of the ground hog seeing his shadow on Wednesday aren't looking too good so maybe.........

I will be praying that everyone is safe throughout this storm. Your thoughts and prayers for us will be greatly appreciated.
Awww shucks!

I'm not really keen on having another birthday, I rather think I am old enough now. Who do I ask to make it stop?
SEMO update....lots of freezing rain and ice...ugghh!!! When the wind starts blowing later wouldn't be surprised if the power goes out. Guess we are ready as ready can be. Opa I think your son(s) are probably going to have it worse than we do here and it looks pretty awful here right now!! Everybody please stay home, warm and do what you can to get through this mess...I will be thinking of and praying for all of you!! Blessings, CCMH
-30F here at the moment, with a wind chill of -50F....high is supose to get to -10F with a wind chill of -30F.....business as usual....I work outside and I am heading that way soon! Bundle up and stay warm!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Highlander.....just in case I do not see you tomorrow!

Ranchie...how are all those Roos doing????
Wow HarlansHollowFarms stay warm!
Well today we got another 6 to 8 inches on top of what we already have.
Tommorow another storm, this one with sleet, snow and rain.
I cry Uncle....enough snow. You can't even see over the snowbanks, very dangerous to drive around here!
Well, at least I didn't have to work today because they cancelled school. Oh yeah, that means I am stuck in the house with 3 kids and a husband!

Less than 2 months until the official start of spring!
-21 below with a good howling wind here tonight. My ol' woodstove is cherry red and just a-poppin'. Got er' full of oak and ironwood. Seen it worse back in "96" or "97". Got down to -63, real temp and the wind chill was over -100 below. Well, anyhow, i brought the brass monkey in so all is good. Usually, it's all cleared up here by the 4th of July.

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