Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Happy Birthday Highlander,
to yer smooshy self!

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Thanks Ranchie.

And Happy Birthday to Hope too!

My Mum is coming up this morning and we are going to start the day with a lovely long walk through the forest then probably spend the rest of it drinking tea and yakking. DH is away on a conference and won't be back until tomorrow so I can eat junk tonight without getting tutted at and I even get to hold the tv remote so it's all good.
Sounds like you are really livin' it up there, getting to hold the remote and all.
Happy birthday to ya and many more.
Lots of blowing and drifting snow. The blizzard conditions have ended but it is still snowing and the wind is still quite strong. However, it's the Highlanders birthday so it's a wonderful day.
I sure hate starting a day with single digit temperatures. Lots of snow on the ground and now we've got forcasts calling for extreme cold. I've got to get it in gear pretty quick and go out in that bitter cold. I'm scheduled for a followup blood test and can't have anything to eat or drink prior. As much as I don't want to go outside I do want a cup of coffee, so I guess I'd better get going.
Good luck with your tests Opa. Try to stay warm, and watch out for ice. We are very icy here, yesterday it snowed yet again and at the end it turned to freezing rain and now everything is slippery. Had the last two days off from school as snow days, and today is a 2 hour delay. I am hoping the roads are not too slippery when I drive into the school. I don't mind snow, but I do hate driving in icy conditions.
Happy Belated Birthday Highlander, hope you had a great one and stayed warm!
CCMH stay safe and warm, and everyone else too!
MamaG! I think the whole world is in a deepfreeze!!! We had 3 here this morning...cold for us; but can't compare with some other folks. Just grateful we are warm and ok! Good luck Opa with the tests; personally despise not being able to have coffee before those darn things! Sun is shining here today, more snow on the way tomorrow night.....hoping everyone has a good day! Blessings, CCMH

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