Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I hate daylight saving time. If you want more hours of daylight just get up earlier. If you want more daylight hours after work, start earlier. Who do they think they are fooling by telling us the time is different. 24 hours is still 24 hours.
Some of us don't have a CHOICE as to the hours that we work.. I personally LIKE having an extra hour of daylight after work every day .. even though it means I have to get up and start earlier..

Warmer weather is a'comin' !!
I'm really surprized at how many folks here in the north have never eaten grits and refuse to even try them. I like to eat them with butter, sugar, and milk. Never did develop a taste for cheesy grits though.
Gotta pipe in here - love them grits! My favorite way to have them is mixed with two eggs over easy, dipping my toast in them as I eat. Yum, yum!
Bacon and eggs are two words that just seem to go together perfectly, but my oldest son thinks the word that pairs best with eggs is grits. He doesn't feel breakfast is complete without grits and eggs. He travels a lot in his job and says he avoid upscale restaurants for breakfast because they don't have grits. So he eats at Waffle House a lot.
Yup .. eggs with grits .. or butter ... or cheese ...or bacon crumbled up and picante sauce .. (lol, we eat everything with picante in Texas) ..

Can't do sugar .. Sugar goes with cream-o-wheat .. lol.
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You and my DH! Being from New York, he can hardly stand to watch while I chow down on my mixed eggs & grits.

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