Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Happy Birthday to Opa's Place, and thanks Sam for providing a place where people can ask questions and get help. And, thanks to all the wonderful people who are here, and can provide those answers. I love you all...
Happy Birthday to Opa's Place, and thanks Sam for providing a place where people can ask questions and get help. And, thanks to all the wonderful people who are here, and can provide those answers. I love you all...


Happy Birthday, Opa's Place~!
Happy Birthday Opa's Place!!
Someone started a thread asking what to do with chicks that die and I posted a suggestion.

Can you believe someone thought that wasn't funny.
Of course maybe as one ages their sense of humor starts to warp a might.

The new washing machine I had ordered came in on Monday and today I finally felt good enough to install it. Wasn't a real big deal to take out the old one but getting the new one into the laundry room was a nightmare. Since I have a finished walkout basement getting it to the hallway was easy. It was when we came to the hallway that the trouble started. It was 2 inches wider and 2 inches deeper and wouldn't fit through the space between the wall and the gun safe. Rather than carry the washer up 12 steps with a winder to the back door, through the family room, across the kitchen, and down the basement stairs David suggest we just move the gun safe from the hallway to the exercise room. The gunsafe weighs 890 lbs empty and of course it isn't. We managed to get it into the exercise room and I expended more energy than I would using the exercise room for 6 months. Once we got started we were more or less committed to moving it. Well we got it out, the washer installed, and the safe back in its proper position and I am seriously reminded of how much older I am than when I installed the safe originally.
What did he steal??? Shampoo?
There are some real pieces of work out there... Heard years ago about the guy that broke into a home while the owners were away and couldn't get out of the garage... ended up suing the owners and won!!! Only here could that happen... You spill hot coffee on yourself and sue...and win a bundle... something is wrong... where not using your noodle can make you a bundle....

What a cute picture, Opa!

Sometimes, I hate my muse. She wants me to throw out my Script Frenzy plot and do a completely new one from scratch. I'm so dead...

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