Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

If I keep posting and fixing these recipes I will have to change to title of this thread to Opa's place - Where an old rooster tries to see his feet
Thank the powers that be that I have never had the urge to bake or make much in the way of desserts! The tonnage here would be amazing, and doesn't need any encouragement!

Opa, you need to hide this thread from Granny and Hope for a while.......

It's been a while since I last posted, though I have been reading and keeping up with folks by other means. It's a bit hectic here at this time, always is in the spring!

I got 6 more Delaware Blue Hens, 5 hens and 1 rooster, from FL a couple weeks ago, which almost doubled the care load. Though I didn't have the space to truly separate them from the flock by a long distance, I've done what I can by separating them as far as possible and following biosecurity measures best I can. Which has also doubled the laundry load!

Brings me back up to 23 chickens, so much for downsizing. And 9 of the 23 are ROOSTERS.

DH has been busy - he raised the roof of the pen attatched to the Brae, the original small coop that came with the house. It was only 5' high, which was a pain in the bum hip for me. It's much taller now, but I still have to remember to DUCK when going in or out. Forgot yesterday and got a good head bonk as my reward!
Happy 1st Birthday/Anniversary to Opa's Place, to everyone here, and especially to Sam! Great stories, coffee and company!
Since I am pretty new at this chicken thingy... I was wondering if anyone could give me some info on how long does it take for a hen to hatch an egg. I went on a trip a few weeks ago.. when I came back...(of course my reluctant hubby did not clean the coop)... so I was cleaning up and went to the back and noticed one of the chickens kindof stuck inbetween a bale of hay I have in the corner of the run..(to cut the wind)...and at the time I thought she was just hiding... but a week or so has past and yesterday something told me to count the chickens because something didn't seem right... and I was missing one... and low and behold there she was still behind the bale of hay... I think she is sitting on a egg... I did not disturb her..so I really do not know..

So the question is how long will it take... will she sit on it even though it doesn't hatch... and could this kill her.. cause I don't know if she is eating or drinking properly.... so I would appreciate some feedback..please..

Please don't tease... haha.. I am new to this...

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