Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

That's a good point Sprite. Here's basically the same thing only much cheaper to make with slightly more effort.


3 oz. lemon Jello
1 c. hot water
8 oz. cream cheese
1 c. sugar
4 tbsp. lemon juice
2 1/2 c. graham cracker crumbs
1 stick butter
1/2 c. sugar
1 can cream (slightly frozen)

Mix sugar, butter, and graham cracker crumbs. Put 2/3 in bottom of 9 x 13-inch dish. Mix Jello and hot water; let cool. Cream sugar, cream cheese, and lemon juice. Mix jello and cream cheese mixture; add whip cream.
Blend lightly and pour into crust. Sprinkle remaining crumbs on top. Refrigerate for several hours before serving.
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Darn it, I could do that one.
Darn it, I could do that one.

I think you probably should do this one. Might cure your headache. The wee bairn would love it. It would build up your energy in case you have to do any rhea rhacing.
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I need some recipes to used up my cans of sweetened condensed milk ... (before I drink them all ...
It will take me a little while to find it but Granny has a cheese cake recipe using sweetened condense milk that was real popular back in the 50s. I'll dig it out and post it. It really good and simple to make.
I found it quicker than I thought I would.


1 graham cracker pie shell, 9 inch
1/2 c. ReaLemon lemon juice (measure accurately)
1 1/3 c. Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk
2 egg yolks

In a medium-size mixing bowl blend together Eagle Brand milk, juice and egg yolks until thickened. Turn into pie shell and to with meringue listed below.


2 egg whites (room temperature)
1/4 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar

In small mixing bowl whip egg whites with cream of tartar until a soft peak forms. Gradually whip in sugar and continue to whip until whites hold firm peaks. Pile onto pie filling and seal to inside edge of pie shell. Bake at 325 degrees for about 15 minutes. Cool.

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