Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Today was a pretty good day. Called Granny to wish her a Happy Mother's day. Then I called my ex-wife, the mother of my sons, and wished her a happy Mothers Days as well. I told One of Hope's sons brought her flowers yesterday from both him and his brother. Naturally they couldn't come to see her today because they had to be with their wives mothers so I decided that Hope should have a lazy day. I ask her to not do a thing today but relax and only do things that she wanted to. I told her I'd take care of dinner that today was her day. She decided to spend the day relaxing and watching movies.

I hope all of you mothers had an enjoyable day as well.
Sounds like you made it a lovely day for her. Good for you.

Our Mother's Day was back in March, but i still had a good day yesterday!
Good morning!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day! It's back to school for me today, and hopefully I can finish Mom's gift by next Sunday.

to all!
Sprite, I'm sure your mother knows how hard you work and understands why your gift is late. I'll bet when it is finished she will love it.
Today sure looks like it is going to be a wonderful day. I've got lots on my plate but still with weather like we are currently having how can you do anything but approach each task with joy. Being able to work outside without many layers of clothing is just one of the many plusses. The apple trees are budding out and should be in full bloom in just a couple of more days. The morel mushrooms are popping up, the asperagras is as well. I've got the garden worked up and ready to plant. Life is good. Even though I hate painting, the doors that I must paint and the new screen door I've got to install today can be accomplished with little fuss.
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Like the new avatar Opa!

Yesterday was hatch day for my ducklings. There were 5 waiting for me when I got up yesterday morning and another 3 are in there this morning. So far I have 3 Cayugas, 3 Khaki Campbells and 2 Welsh Harlequins. I will candle the rest of the eggs today and open them up to see what's what.


The weather has been wonderful here lately too Sam. We have had weeks of sunshine which is unheard of really! Of course the farmers are complaining about the lack of rain but they are the only ones.

How is your Mother's Day gift coming along PK? What are you making?

Have a good day all!
Thistle, congratulations on your hatch of ducklings. I've got 39 bantam eggs in the incubator that went 10 days without the turner functioning. I'm not very optimistic about their hatching but since I need to collect more eggs I thought I keep them going and see what happens.

We had rain real early this morning and our temperatures are supposed to reach 80 today with a chance of thunder showers this afternoon. I love it when it rains a night and doesn't affect one's day. I've got one more door I want to paint today. It's a 6x6' rollup door accessing my storage area under my addition. While all the doors on both my house and workshop are Hunter Green all of the door jambs and trim is white and most of those need to be painted as well.

Granny returns home on Friday after having spent three weeks with my oldest and youngest sons in southwest Missouri. She should be quite happy to see that the blossoms on the apple trees in our orchard are just starting to open. We also have an amyrillus plant in the family room that she has waited three years to see it bloom and yesterday it finally did. I think they usually last about a week before fading so she will be able to enjoy that as well.
Good Morning Opa and Everyone Else!! We had some HOT weather here, 90+ degrees, for the past two days. A front passed through last night, giving us rain and next week is suppose to be cooler. Everything here is green and growing. The lilacs are starting to pop open and their fragrance is lovely. My daughter and granddaughter will be arriving today from AR. She loves the lilacs (had them in her bouquet at her wedding) and I'm so glad she'll be here to enjoy them.

Mamag, I know this past week was probably a hard one on you,
I'm right there with you about trying to provide from the garden being feast or famine. The growing season here isn't very long and the old saying "make hay while the sun shines" plays in my head when I'm trying to get everything done that needs doing this time of year!

PK, do I call you EP now? or maybe "the author formerly known as PK"?
I'm glad your studies are going well. I'm sure your Mother understands how busy you are and will love your gift whenever you finish it. When is school done for the summer?

Sam, Don't give up on those eggs.......SteveH left the turner off a batch of eggs for longer than you and has some hatching. Of course, maybe subconsciously you just wanted to incubate more eggs!!

Highlander, Aren't baby ducks the cutest!!
I have two one week old Muscovy ducklings, but Momma is so protective it's hard to get good pics of them. She takes them into hiding whenever anyone approaches. Here's the best one I have:

Hello everyone

Vicki you have some real cuties!

Just an update, we have sold the house! The close date is scheduled for 10 June 2011, we are hopeful they can work something out with the comparables for the appraisal because there is nothing in this area like our house.

Anyway, if all goes well I have the moving van coming on the 10th to pick up all our stuff and haul it to a storage unit in Prattville until we find another hose. The horses are being picked up on the 3rd and going to some friends in KY and we are dropping the 2 Aussies off at my daughters on the way down. We found an extended stay hotel that will allow us to have the 2 little shi tzus and my old blind dog
I was worried about that because the old blind dog (Sammy) needs insulin shots twice a day and my daughter is not really set up for that.

Now, I have to get busy and get everything packed......that can be a daunting job, as you never know how much you accumulate over the years until you have to move it!

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