Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I didn't watch the wedding. We don't have TV service, whatever it's called, and I didn't want to look it up on the internet. I was busy writing, posting at Mega Man fansites, and looking up a FAQ for a dungeon.
Why watch a wedding when you can finish an episode of a fanfic script?

Good morning all~!

Opa, although coffee is good, I never found out why people can drink 5+ cups of it in a day. ...Wait, 20+?! That's got to have adverse effects on your health!
20 cups?
Way to get wired! You wouldn't want to see me with that much caffeine.......

Today, the madness begins. Lockdown!
Goldie has been quite devoted to her 5 blue/green eggs and aside from a short power outage, the incubator has been rock solid. It has 3 Delaware Blue Hen eggs and 12 Wheaten Marans, lovely chocolate colored eggs. They're so dark I've been unable to really candle them, so I'm
for the best.

Couldn't ask for prettier weather right now - in the 40s at night, 70s during the day and low humidity! That's the best part, pretty soon going outside will require scuba equipment! The garden is coming along, already harvesting lettuces and spinach.

DH told me just yesterday to expect a bumper crop of jalapenos this year. What was he thinking? He wants to dry them.... uhm.... on the porch, maybe- NOT in the house! He also planted Poblano peppers, I can already taste the chile rellenos. I canned some green tomatillo sauce last year, really looking forward to pulling it out. Yum!

One of my ducks, the Mallard mix Odd, has learned to escape her pen. If I turn my back for even a second, she's out and about. I sat and watched her yesterday, she "eels" her way out from the hardware cloth around the bottom! I'll have to fix that today, put a brick there last night to keep her feathered butt in.

Hope all ya'll have a great day!
Today was a strange day weatherwise. Started with rain, cleared up by 10am and the sun came out. I finished up on a job and hurried home thinking I'd try to get the garden cleaned up and let some of the hens in there while I rototilled. Decided to grab a quick bite to eat and by the time I'd finished lunch I had to change my plans. Rain off and on until about 6pm and then it has cleared up beautifully. I did go out and pulled a few big clumps of grass and put some in with all the birds. The bantams that are in cages off the ground thought they'd died and gone to heaven. Hopefully the weather will hold like it is now so that tomorrow I can get at it.

One thing I have to do this weekend, if possible, is pluck dandelion flowers for David. He needs at least 2 five gallon pails full to make some dandelion wine. I started making apple wine a few years back but wound up giving all my equipment to him. Now he really has the wine making bug and usually has 5 or 6 carboys working at all times. He really is into the fruit wines and really does a nice job with them.

Well Hope just finished up cooking a shrimp stirfry so I'd better go eat before I waste away to nothing. Yeah, right.
Ooh, dandelion wine? Sounds tasty!

Well, this week has been good! I got all 100s in Math, did well in my other subjects, and worked a lot! Now all I have to do is write 30 pages of script by tomorrow, and I'll be good~
Cool strart to the morning and no coons in the traps. Yesterday I caught the 8th coon in a month and I think the prudent thing will be to keep resetting the traps. I have them set within a few feet of the coops and any critter venturing that close can't be up to any good.

I've got a meeting with a customer at 9am that shouldn't take too long and after that it looks as though I may actually get to work in the garden. I'm looking forward to get it ready in anticipation to planting. Last year I had a bumper crop of sweet bell peppers from the 24 plants I put in. However, I need to increase that this year since we are just about out of peppers that we froze. With green bell peppers costing $1 each and red or yellow substantially more, having the frozen ones to use has been great.
Sam, I need to send my grand daughters to your house. They were picking dandelions all day yesterday. They love pcking those pretty flowers. We now have several bouquets of dandelions. Looks to be a beautiful day. Have fun in your garden.
Well, it is a funny day weather wise out there. We had a 9:00 soccer game this morning, and it was around 65 and sunny, in other words beautiful! Around 11:30 we had hail, and then sun. Now thunderstorms and rain. At least this way I don't have to water my lettuce peas and spinach. I am starting to get the planting bug, but have to hold off a few more weeks. I always wait until Memorial Day weekend just to make sure that we wont have any more frosts. I planted cool weather crops already, but I can't wait to plant the hot weather stuff like tomatoes. This year I am going to try canning and preserving big batches. I hate how it is either feast or famine with gardens. Nothing all winter and then for a few months out of the year there is way too much. Hopefully I will do a good job and not give my family food poisoning!
Got the garden cleaned up a rototilled but I will probably do it at least twice more before Memorial Day. I usually plant my seed crops that weekend and wait a week before planting the started plants. Sowing before the soil temperature is maintaining at least 60 degrees is necessary for germination and 70 is even better. Much below 60 and the seeds just rot.
Frost remain just to common in June and smaller plants can be covered much easier to prevent frost damage. I have friends who plant their tomatoes two to three weeks before I do yet, I still get my first tomatoes the same time they do.
Happy Mother's Day, all!

It's too bad... I didn't get to finish my present to mom in time.

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