Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

This morning is starting out rather dark and rainy and surprizingly we are experiencing substantially warmer here in Michigan than Granny and my two sons in southwest Missouri are dealing with. I talked with Scott, my youngest, last night and he was telling me how thankful he is that while they've had torrential rains the high winds and tornadoes missed them. He did have a sump pump fail allowing his basement to flood. Unfortunately the water destroyed his furnace. While that is a huge expense and he says if they save like crazy they should be able to get a new one by fall, and that while painful compared to what the victims of the tornadoes are facing his problems are minimal.
Good morning everyone
The sun is shining, my kids are playing quietly with no fighting, what a great morning! It is supposed to rain all next week, so today we need to get as much yardwork done as we possibly can. As Opa said the grasss does not grow evenly. We have areas where the grass is already really tall, and other areas where it has barely grown. So much to do, also need to spray all the fruit trees, can't stand having worms in my peaches.
Whatever you all do today, I hope you have a good one.
Had a blizzard here last night. Everything is white. Keeps the mosquitoes down in the grass.
I can believe how nice the weather has been today. The amazing thing is that it is 25 degrees warmer here then it is in Missouri. Usually Joe or Scott tell me they are doing something warm weather related while I still wearing a heavy coat. Currently they have 39 degrees and rain and I wearing a short sleeved Tshirt. I would like to call and gloat but I might jinx myself and bring down a Woody's snow storm.
I'm so glad you have nice weather, Opa! Over here, it is 32 degrees and it was snowing a few hours ago.
It seems strange to celebrate the death of anyone. However, I am thrilled to hear of the death of Osama bin Ladin. For any one responsible for the deaths of so many being allowed to continue to breath had been an affront to humanity.
Like you said, Opa, it is quite odd to celebrate the death of an individual. However, I'm sure many people are happy that he's gone.

Good morning!
I feel the same way Opa. I always feel sad to see what God gave as a gift used in a bad way. So many good people die, and so many bad people live. For once somebody bad died, but it is just so sad that he was bad.

My friend at work is really upset because her son is in Afghanastan. She is very worried about retaliation and that her son will be hurt. Please pray for her son David, and all the others stationed over there.

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