Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Storms continue to rage and the death toll has approached 300. Such a tragedy. I just called to check on Ranchie to make sure that they haven't been affected. Fortunately everything has gone around them. My two sons that live in the heart of the so called "tornado alley" have had to deal with torrential rains that has caused their basements to floods but that is nothing comparable to those who have been struck by tornadoes. Praying that they stay safe.
My friends in TN are ok, but can't reach my friends in AL. I sure do pray that they are ok. It just blows your mind when you see what the tornado has done. I'll take the snow and rain.
Hear! Hear!

Prayers are going out for all those affected by the storms. My daughter sent pics the SIL took at the air base in North Little Rock. Scary.
Hi all! Been a while since I checked in; been kinda hectic for a couple weeks like everyone else with the weather. We started out with tornadoes and have timber down and all sorts of things re-arranged for us; but no major damage to any of our structures, some of our friends did not fare so well. This was followed by 20 some hours without power and lost my bator full of eggs
Then we have seen approximately 15 inches or more of rain and been flooded in by our normally bone dry creek bed that looks like a river barreling through our field.
But, after saying all that I have to say this-Praise God..we are all ok, our families are all ok and the sun shined today. My heart aches for those who have lost so much throughout the south and will continue praying for them, glad all of you are doing ok. I have been lurking; missing visiting with you all. Hoping to have more time for dropping in and enjoying a cup of coffee!
Blessings, CCMH
Although the eggs are gone, you're here, and that's important! Glad to hear you're okay, CCMH.
Stay safe!
CCMH, glad that you are back and only damp. I'd bet that the Current River is raging to the point that no sane person will be rafting for a while.
If memory serves don't you live where the infamous Tri-State tornado of 1925 started. The devastation of tornadoes never ceases to amaze me. So much destruction occurring in such a short time is almost uncomprehensible. The impact of this latest bout of storms will be felt for years.
Yes Opa, the Current was raging at close to record levels this time; normal gauge reading in summer is about 2.2' and I believe it went to somewhere around 25.5' at its highest level. Probably will change the river in several locations; the last large flood made some major changes so we are assuming this one will too.
And yes you are correct about the 1925 Tri-State tornado started very near here on its path of destruction. We are in for another night of heavy rain on Saturday if the weather forecasters are right; and then hopefully quieter weather for a bit. We could sure use it, need to get garden stuff set out and some brush hog work done after we clean the new debris from our field.
The sun is shining here today and it is lovely. Heading out to my kitchen garden to lay down some feed sacks and straw to help abate the weeds that insist on invading my salad patch!! Have a great afternoon everyone!
Blessings, CCMH

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