Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Sprite, we certainly are proud of you. Great job. Keep it up.

The number of storms and the tragedy they bring is almost beyond belief. How quickly someone's life can be devasted is heartbreaking. Pray for all those affected.
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Good day all,

We're under a severe thunderstorm warning and tornado watch right now, the same storm that has devastated so much of the southeast. My heart aches for those who been affected by this beastly weather. I was almost hit by lightning again last week and have informed DH that I will NOT be going outside at all today. I seem to be a lightning rod. My house in TX was hit, lost a lot of appliances and saw a telephone melt off the wall. Then here in SC, where it traveled through the house, frying things along the way, then traveled on to the detached shop/garage, where it burned out even more electrical stuff. Now ya'll know why I am terrified of storms!

PK, you amaze me with your creativity and diligence! Well done!

Hey Woody, do you know anything about the British Seagull outboard motors? I have a 1.5 hp one that was my Dad's, it's probably from the forties or fifties, if not earlier. It used to push my El Toro dinghy at quite a clip, but it seems to be frozen up now.

As to chickens, for some reason I don't quite understand, I have 21 eggs incubating. I already have 22 chickens and 4 ducks and need a lot more space as it is.........
But little Goldie, in my avatar, went broody. The only eggs available were either Delaware Blue Hens or some of my blue or green egg mutts. I didn't really get excited about hatching them, though. But a friend sent some drop-dead gorgeous Wheaten Marans eggs, and Highlander twisted my arm..... so I now have 13 Marans and 3 DBH eggs in the incubator and Goldie is fiercely guarding 5 blue and green eggs.
Good morning!

Ranchie, please stay safe.
And I hope the electricity stays on so you can incubate all of those eggs!
Sly, I'm glad life is treating you well!
Opa, thank you so much!
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Thanks for all the BD wishes, the day was rather uneventful, just another day older!

Ranchie, be carefull down there today those storms are nasty.( picturing Ranchie with fired hair after a lightening strick
) And to think we are moving to Alabama in a months

Good job PK!!

Ranchie - be safe
We have major dark skies with threats of heavy rain, wind and hale coming our way later today. I have a broody hen and NO FERTILE EGGS! drat Wanna send me some of those Delaware Blue eggs?
I'll take mutts too. I really got to break her soon, she won't eat
She's trying hard to hatch a plastic egg
Hey Woody, do you know anything about the British Seagull outboard motors? I have a 1.5 hp one that was my Dad's, it's probably from the forties or fifties, if not earlier. It used to push my El Toro dinghy at quite a clip, but it seems to be frozen up now.

Ranchie, British Seagulls were a good little motor and are somewhat collectible, although, they are not worth alot. As far as getting it going again ; The first thing you wanna do is pull the spark plug and shoot some WD-40 or some kind of oil like that in the spark plug hole to soak the piston and the rings to get that loose. What ever you do don't force it. Let it set awhile and then try to pull it over. This may take some time. From a few days to a few months and maybe never. Check it every few days. Add oil as needed. I got an old Indian flathead loose once and it took 3 months. I have 2 Johnsons soaking now. After the piston comes loose, if it does, then you need to check for spark. Once you have spark then it's time to fuel it up and try to start it. If you have anymore questions, don't be afraid to ask. Whatever you do with it, don't junk it. As a member of The Antique Outboard Motor Club Inc. my mission is to save all old outboards, even for just parts. Thanks Woody
I was just reading about the eagles at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. Sure was sad that the female died due to a collision with a landing jet. Officials decided that the chances of the 3 eaglets surviving to maturity, with only the male hunting for them, was poor so they have removed them and taken them to a raptor center. After months of watching I had become quite attached to "my" eagles as I'm sure a lot of people have. When reading the article I couldn't help but feeling a little choked up.

Oh what a shame, that's so sad.

We are not hearing much about all the storms there on our news, it's all filled up with the big day tomorrow but my good thoughts go out to anyone caught up in it. I can't even imagine.

Umm, that's not quite the way I remember it, but I'm happy to take the fall for you if you can't admit the truth to yourself.

My little girl is very excited about the wedding tomorrow, she has a dressing up wedding dress that she plans to wear along with her tiara so she can "be a princess too". Oh to be 5 again!

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