Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

It definitely wasn't a catching day, but the old saying that a bad day of fishing is till better than a good day of working certainly was true. The guy I was fishing with I've know since 1978 and we used to fish alot. For some reason we hadn't gotten together to fish since 1986. Sure was nice to sit in a boat with him once again. I wonder what we think we are doing that is so important that we often don't make the time to go do things with friends. Often, when we finally find the time it's too late.
Cold here this morning and there is little doubt that winter in underway. I've been sitting here drinking coffee and transferring all of the Ranchie tribute posts so that I can send Todd a hard copy. Reading all of them reinforces my belief that she was a unique friend.
That she was.
Looking forward to Laura and Mike coming for a visit tomorrow. I plan to take them to the local castle then back here for afternoon tea and then a haggis dinner.
I have been busy getting the supplies in and I have bought some real ale for Mike, but I need your advice on which one of these is more appropriate for me to serve to him....


Perhaps I was a little quick in my selection. On second thought, we are all truly "blessed" to be able to form such wonderful friendships.

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