Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Bitter cold here this morning with only 2 inches of new snow. While the temperature is only going to reach 25 today it is bright and sunny so it is much easier to have a positive attitude.

For some reason Hope woke early this morning so when I awoke at 5 there was a freshly baked cake sitting on the counter. She had just baked one on Thursday but somehow it disappeared. She tried an old recipe for butter cream frosting that is incredible. Most call for 1/2 butter and 1/2 shortening. This one uses all butter and heavy cream and it is so much better. That may have had something to do with the first cake vanishing.
I gotta have that recipe! Hubby wants old fashioned butter frosting and my mother's was not all what he remembers. Hers was the 1/2 butter and 1/2 shortening.

We had a very light dusting of snow and freezing temps. The water in the rubber bucket really froze over.

Wondered if the girls would like some warm tea to drink? Something soothing about tea and figured it would make them feel good too.

Bitter cold here this morning with only 2 inches of new snow. While the temperature is only going to reach 25 today it is bright and sunny so it is much easier to have a positive attitude.

For some reason Hope woke early this morning so when I awoke at 5 there was a freshly baked cake sitting on the counter. She had just baked one on Thursday but somehow it disappeared. She tried an old recipe for butter cream frosting that is incredible. Most call for 1/2 butter and 1/2 shortening. This one uses all butter and heavy cream and it is so much better. That may have had something to do with the first cake vanishing.
Butter Cream Frosting

3 cups confectioners' sugar
1 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 to 2 tablespoons whipping cream
In a standing mixer fitted with a whisk, mix together sugar and butter. Mix on low speed until well blended and then increase speed to medium and beat for another 3 minutes.
Add vanilla and cream and continue to beat on medium speed for 1 minute more, adding more cream if needed for spreading consistency.

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Well, now that my daughter is in 4-H, also, I need to add a few breeds just for her. I'm thinking Sumatras and Hamburgs. Anyone have some good ones?

While I like just about all chickens, I am looking for some of the lighter LF breeds. I find them to be easier on the budget in the long winter months.
I also need to replace the Mille Fleur D'uccles that I didn't realize were my daughter's "favorite" when I delivered them to a 4-H kid whose show birds were killed by dogs.... sigh

With 4-H we need to have chicks hatched as soon after January 1st, as possible, and I prefer to raise and improve certain breeds rather than search for quality eggs or chicks each year. I had an electrical problem, near where my Sportsman incubator runs, so I am off to a late start this year on incubating from my birds.

I currently have show quality:
Bantam Wyandottes in Black, Columbian, GL and Blue
Bantam Black Cochins
Buff Brahma bantams
White Leghorns

(Of course there is a laying flock of red & silver leghorns, barred rocks, marans, and misc. bantams.)

I will be adding RC RIR and BO bantams this spring.

I also have ducks, call ducks, peafowl, guineas and pigeons (French Mondains and Texas Show Kings).

If anyone has any suggestions or contacts for me, I would appreciate it.
Yesterday one of my nephews called Granny to inform her about his father's condition. He is four years younger than I and was always able to manipulate Granny. He is a prime example of someone who chose to never grow up, to never assume responsibility for his actions. He was always chasing the lastest get rich scheme rather that buckling down and facing reality. While I am unhappy with my brother and how he misused my mother's money, he is still my brother.

Several years ago his health started going downhill. He had to have a kidney removed. Stents were required to open blocked arteries in his heart. Circulation problems necessitated the amputation of a leg. Now it seems that his mind has also been affected to the point that he had to go into an assisted living facility.

So later this month another brother and I will be traveling to southwest Kentucky to see him. Since he is no longer in Granny's house we will retrieve some of Granny's stuff and see what we must do to put the house on the market.

I anticipate that this is going to be a very stressful experience. I tried to resolve the financial problems five years ago but the brother who is accompanying me became so upset with the situation we didn't stay in Kentucky long enough to resolve it. With the brief conversation I had with him yesterday I foresee numerous problems arising from this.
Sam, You, and your brothers, will be in my prayers. Our families can be our life's biggest source joy and sorrow.
Hang in there, Sam. I still have nightmares about the hell, my sister-in-law put us through almost 2 years ago.

Sometimes it seems like we become the "bad guy" when we take in the elderly relative to care for.

No one else will do it, but they resent us for doing it. It puts all sorts of weird strains on a relationship.

When my father-in-law was released from the hospital, he couldn't stay alone. At that time my
s-i-l lived a few miles from him and had 2 spare bedrooms. We lived in the next state-- 2 bedrooms and 4 people. Of course we took him in. It was kind of fun moving the kids into our bedroom... like camping!

A week later I ran him back to his house to pick up a few things...
My s-i-l had let one of her husband's drivers move into my f-i-l's house!!! They never even told him!

My f-i-l walked in his front door to find the belongings of 3 strangers scattered all over HIS house. cigarette butts in a coffee cup next to his favorite chair. His bed being slept in... His food still in the fridge!

He lost his will to live that day.
I'm sorry Sam, sounds like it's going to be a rough ride. But I know you have the strength and patience to get through to the other side, and I hope you know that we are always with you in spirit to help you along.
Thanks to all of you for you kind words and prayers. I think that this is going to be one time that tests my ability to "cowboy up".

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