Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Folks sometimes don't understand the ability of cake. It's powerful stuff and even possesses the ability to communicate with us if we listen properly. For instance last night I definitely heard a chocolate cake calling my name, although its voice was some what muted by a thick coating of butter cream frosting.
Opa, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad your brother is not going with you.
Too much tension and stress for you.
This is not a good situation for anyone, but I think you have a good handle on it.
I was glad to see you and your bothers ex agree.
Wishing you well,as always!
Todd, you're not half as happy about my brother not going as I am. This whole situation will be much easier to handle by myself.

Tomorrow is David's birthday and Wednesday is mine. Hope always bakes us a cake that we have to share. She is well aware of the miraculous powers of cake and I think this one might even approach mystical.

Besides baking cakes Hope has also been busy finishing up a Cathedral window quilt. She intends to list it on ebay for much less than anything comparable because she wants to sell it quick. Thought I'd post it here first.

It is 525 blocks (1050 pieces of material) and measures 80x96"

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Opa, I must agree with you about that cake's mystical qualities!

<*ahem*> I have never contributed to this thread, but have lurked here now and then. You helped me build a roll-out nest box over a year ago and I have been SO grateful for that assistance!
gryeyes, I've probably sent the 2 nest rollout nest box plans to 150 people and Lord only knows how many have availed themselves of the thread with the six nest plans. I'm glad that it has worked out for you. Stop in more often, happy to have you visit.
Besides baking cakes Hope has also been busy finishing up a Cathedral window quilt. She intends to list it on ebay for much less than anything comparable because she wants to sell it quick. Thought I'd post it here first.

It is 525 blocks (1050 pieces of material) and measures 80x96"
Opa, Why not post Hope's quilt in the BST section under Everything Else? It wouldn't cost you anything and it's so beautiful, I'm sure it will sell quickly!


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