Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Come to think of it I should be mad. Yesterday also being Hope's birthday required a celebration. Her youngest son, his wife, and their two children came over for a supper. Dave and Amy joined us as well and well all fed well on pizza immediately followed by a celebratory cake with ice cream. While I never eat dessert immediately after a meal, tradition required that I participate. Remembering that it was also the Thistle's birthday I felt it necessary to have a second piece of cake in her honor. So for the rest of the evening I sat feeling not unlike a tick on a pup.
That must have been really tough for you Sam, but please know that I appreciate the sacrifice and feel free to do it again any time. Come to think of it, I didn't get any cake yesterday so perhaps you should have another piece now for me?
Chic, I sincerely hope that you didn't take offense as you are very dear to me. Your first post to me initiated what has been a wonderful cyber adventure and allowed me to meet and befriend an incredible number of people. If my posted did upset you remember Highlander made me do it.
So, now you are saying this is all my fault? It might have been my thread that brought us all together, but it was you avatar that inspired me.
I say we share the blame.

Of course I am not offended. I was too busy being impressed by a cowboy name-dropping Oscar Wilde!!
While it is very cold this morning it still feels good to be back home. Things went much quicker in Kentucky than I had anticipated. I was able to get the legal matters handled to allow me to sell Granny's help. I think selling it is going to be very difficult. My brother hadn't performed any maintenance plus to facilitate using a large electric wheel chair in the house he took out all the doors and cut the openings larger. Cabinets were taken out while others were cut down. If I were to spend at least a month, with David's help, and invest $10 - 12,000 in materials the most the Realtor feels we could get would be about $20,000. When factoring in the cost of residing there while working plus the jobs lost during that time, it's just not worth fixing. I guess I hope that someone might buy it as a fixer upper.

I did go a visit my brother in the assisted living facility that he is in. He has a two bedroom apartment and the place was immaculate. It was so clean I could hardly believe he lived there until I found out that it is cleaned each day by the housekeeping staff. His medications are brought to him and the appropriate times and dosages so for the first time in many years they are actually working. Meals are served in a communal dining room so now he is eating properly.

The meeting went off without much hassle because I had decided that if he wanted to argue and I reacted to it it would only leave him in a state that would make it more difficult for his caregivers. I stayed with him for several hours and he wasn't ready for me to leave. He wanted me to stay for supper and if possible spend the night and had I not had other commitments I probably would have.

I had recommended that Granny not go to Kentucky with me and I am glad that she didn't. I think that seeing my brother in the condition he is in would have been very difficult. Also she would have been devastated by the condition of her home. Most of her possessions that we had left in the house were gone and two of my brother's sons have been using the house for parties. Trash laid everywhere and I would think it would take a full day and several trips to the dump just to get it cleaned up.

However, there were a few items that Granny held very dear that I was able to retrieve plus lots of material and quilting supplies. Since anything I was able to bring back is more than she ever thought she would have, and with the legal matters going as quickly as they did, it was a surprisingly quick trip. Add the fact that I was able to report that my brother is happy and being well taken care of has removed a lot of worry from her.
Sam, it's good to have you back safely and I'm glad to hear your trip was successful. My prayers now will be that Granny's house will sell quickly and that some one new will make it a home again.

Our temps this morning are more normal for this time of the year that previous weeks. I hope this is winter's last hurrah and spring is right around the corner. I long to see the green........
Sam, it's good to have you back safely and I'm glad to hear your trip was successful. My prayers now will be that Granny's house will sell quickly and that some one new will make it a home again.

Our temps this morning are more normal for this time of the year that previous weeks. I hope this is winter's last hurrah and spring is right around the corner. I long to see the green........

We sure are spoiled by the weather this winter. I was shocked, literally shocked, that the dusting of snow, we received Monday night, didn't melt off! C'mon Spring!!
Nice to see you back Sam, glad things went a little quicker than anticipated. Fingers crossed for a quick sale of the house.

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