Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

My darling Thistle, I thought a birthday wish with a picture of a sunrise would be appropriate

since you so seldom avail yourself of the opportunity to view a real one.

I hope your 27th birthday is just as special as last year's 27th birthday.

Is THAT what they look like??? All this time I thought they were blue. Thanks for the enlightenment and the birthday wishes!

Please wish Hope a happy birthday from me too!
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Happy Birthday Vee!! Did you see your shadow? Do we have 6 more weeks of wintry repartee and frosty comebacks?

As much as I would like to crawl into my burrow and stay there for the next 6 weeks I can't, so therefore I predict a frost abatement and much warmth and smoosh for the coming weeks.

Aye, right!
As much as I would like to crawl into my burrow and stay there for the next 6 weeks I can't, so therefore I predict a frost abatement and much warmth and smoosh for the coming weeks.

Aye, right!
No don't get all Mc Mushy on us... some of the noobs on here won't be able to handle the shock

I hope you had a birthday worthy of your kind and generous spirit.... and maybe some trick candles to represent your sass.

I love you Vee!
Ah yes, those were the days! I was looking back too and apparently you were 100 in '09. I must say you are looking really well on it Chic!

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