Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

When I met Granny at Chickenstock 2 years ago I admired the quilt block chickens she had brought. Before I left she waved my over and handed me a little bag with a chicken tucked inside. I have kept it in my car ever since, my co-pilot and good luck piece for the last 2 years.
As soon as I finish a cup of coffee I have to head for a friend's house. Actually it's his dad's house but it is where he is now living. After 25 years of marriage his wife filed for divorce and insisted that he move out of their home. Since they married she has never worked and has lived a rather comfortable life style due to the amount of money he has typically earned.

She has more or less insisted that she always have a new car to drive and two years ago when the lease expired on her Cadillac she expected that he'd lease her another. However, like many in today's economy his income has been seriously reduced. Since she didn't work he figured she could do without a car until his financial situation improved. She came totally unglued and it has been the basis of many heated arguments.

Sadly he is madly in love with her and has never seen her for what I've felt is her true self. A couple of months ago she told him she no longer loved him and he needed to leave. Then one day she called asking if she could come over so they could talk and maybe work things out. They agreed upon a time for her to meet and he called me elated that she was going to meet with him. Imagine his devastation when he answers the door and finds a process server to give him divorce papers.

She still expects him to give her money for food, utilities, etc. and insists that it's his obligation to do so. Her habitually unemployed 26 year old daughter has lived with for several years with her 5 year old son and my friend feels if he doesn't give her money the grandson will suffer.

Then to compound things his 93 year old father can no longer be left alone and the only option is that he be placed in a care facility. Since that requires all of his assets be forfeited which would leave my friend without a place to stay.

Needless to say he is in dire straits financially and is selling many of his belongings to help pay for the nursing home, his attorney, and stupidly for his soon to be ex. He called yesterday asking if I wanted to buy some fishing lures and related items. How can I not do what I can to help him. Sadly he still wants his ex to take him back.
Finally got the boat in the water and it didn't sink which is a good thing. The motor started and ran well and the power trim functions as it should. I am going to need to have a qualified marine mechanic look at the jet pump. Since it is a jet I understood that there is a 30% power loss but I think it should move the boat faster than it does. There are several things that could explain it; ie, blocked intake grate, worn wear ring, dented impeller. Hopefully the cost to get it fixed isn't going to be excessive.

With each dime I spend I keep telling myself that it is still much cheaper than buying a new boat. Once the lack of performance issue is corrected I think it is going to work exceedingly well.
I was once told that a boat is "a hole in the water that you pour money into".
Steffanie, It's been a long time since the days of the "castle" thread so It was nice to see your post. With the exception of Granny having to have surgery and be treated for a potentially lethal fungal infection as a result of a contaminated injection, all has been rather quiet. Hopefully all has been going good for you as well.

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