Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Guess I have a touch of the insomnia tonight, so...
Luna-Hope you are well into your recovery. Are you doing OK? Praying for you for your appt. on the 18th.

Sally-I think your new babies are adorable. I ALMOST bought some ducklings when I was in town today, but I slapped my own hand.
Carol-Glad you joined us over here. I have met some wonderful new folks thanks to Opa starting this thread.
Woody-I just noticed in your signature line that you have Seramas. Have you hatched any of them? The reason I'm asking is because I have some in the incubator and I understand it is very difficult to hatch them.
Opa-Think I MAY try to drill and clean out those emu eggs tomorrow, if I get a chance, so I can get them sent on to you. Wish me luck with that!
Maggie-I have no clue who was in my house-we are kind of isolated back here on the end of a dead end road and I am friendly with my closest neighbors. When I spoke to one of my neighbors to let her know what had happened, she had a similiar incident at her house this morning, so I went ahead and called the Sheriffs Dept. just to make them aware.
I built a dust bath for my birds today. I was so proud of myself when I got all the DE, sand, Sevin Dust, etc, in it-but then they just turned up their beaks at it.

Anyway, that is my "War & Peace" sized post for the night, I guess. I hope all of you have a much more restful night than I am having.
Sheila, i have 2 pair of Seramas. One pair are fairly typey, the other pair not so much. They have wry tail which is hard to get rid of. I did get a lot eggs from the wry tail hen.
I've had 3 of them in the house all winter and they will soon be going outside for the duration. I left one roo ( Tiny Dancer) outside in the coop as a guinea pig and he survived nicely in this cold climate. I'll pair up the 2 typey, hopefully she will lay and then if all goes as planned i have 9 Buff Orpingtons who are due to go broody this spring and i'll let them do the hatching. The whole deal is a crap shoot and i just keep plugging away at it. I'm just having fun and not out to make my fortune breeding chickens. It's a cool hobby though and i love my girls. I too have heard they are hard to hatch. I'll just let the broodies do the best they can and see what happens. I might possibly have access to some eggs from some better looking Seramas and may look into that when my BO's go broody. You can't have to much fun with chickens.
I once heard a story that could apply to most of us at one time or another and I'd like to share it with you.

A man and his wife, upon their retirement moved into a small town. One afternoon they met an old man with whom they struck up a conversation. They talked for a while and told him they had just moved to the area and were wondering what were folks like.
He studied them for a few moments and then asked "what we the people like where you came from"? To this they replied that it was a very unfriendly community and they were thrilled to be away from there. The old man, without hestitation, informed them that "they're the same way here".

Another couple, new to the area, encounter the same old man and asked the same question and he replies with the same response "what were they like where you came from"? They proceed to tell him how difficult it was to have left their former home. They respond by telling him how friendly and helpful everyone was. That leaving their friends and neighbors felt as if they were leaving family behind, but the economics of retirement living dictated moving to a warmer climate with a lower cost of living. The old man turns away briefly, removes his chaw, and turns back with a smile and replies "they're the same way here".
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Aaaaah, OK, thanks for 'splainin. Strange terminology. I got three of these things the week before last. I wasn't sure what to think of it. They were tiny little dark olive colored eggs without yolks. I just assumed they were one of the younger ones starting to lay. I also wasn't sure if they were ok to eat, so I gave them to my dog. She loves her some eggs.
Thank you for the information Woody. I actually lock down my incubator on the 19th for the Seramas, so I guess we'll know in a very few days if I'm going to have any sucess.
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Good Luck with your hatch.

Ive got 2 incubators going at the moment with Duck, Guineas and Isa browns hatching from this Saturday, 20th, April 1st and 13th. Cant wait until all those fuzzy butts pop.
Opa, I LIKE that story, isnt it about the truth? A good lesson.(One I could certainly learn from at times!)
Sheila, I will keep my fingers crossed for your success with Seramas!!
I have heard they are difficult to incubate, is that true?
Ooopsy_daisy, good luck with your hatch as well.
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