Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I never have liked the idea of daylight saving time. What are they doing with all that daylight that they have saved. If you want to have more daylight after you get off work, ust start work eariler.

I've been watching the news reports coming from the northeast and my heart goes to all the folks affected by the rain and flooding. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for them. Now it looks as though a lot of other folks in the north central portion of the country are now at risk from the flooding caused by snow melt. I hope everyone comes out of this fine.
Good Morning everyone! My daughter Rachel wants her own account on here too! I got to figure that out today. Lots of running around today and Opa I will be down the road from you sometime today. We have to go to the 4-H office. Do you mind if we have time to stop by? Rachel needs to build some chicken tractors and was wondering if I could take some pictures and measurements of yours.
We got it pretty bad here in our area. We lucked out with just a bit of water in the basement, but others not so much. My parents live on a lake and are flooded pretty badly. Everything is high or overflowing. Roads are closed etc. It is starting to go down and dry up a bit with this beautiful weather we have been having the last few days, but I really hope we do not get any more rain for quite a while.
Good St. Patrick's Day morning to you all.

Woody I'm glad the weather is starting to improve up there for you and Maggie. I bet it's been a long winter for you. Wish you lived closer, I could give you a dozen eggs to put under your broody.

Just wanted to pop in to say hello and Happy St. Patrick's day to you all!
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Easttxchick, the temperature has already shot up 6 degrees since I got up this morning and it's now 32 and sunny. They're predicting that I will reach 64 by afternoon. They claim that tomorrow will be even nicer. Then just when I was starting to get pretty geeked up about spring that had to add that a cold snap will be coming Sunday and we have a good posibility of snow for Monday. I'm sure that you've started to get some pretty decent weather in Texas by now.
Yeah, Opa, I was about to gripe about the fact that we're going to be teased all week, and then it's supposed to snow with a high of 38 on Monday. Then I read about what's going on in the Northeast, and counted my blessings. Mother Nature has just not been nice to the Nor'Eastern folks this year.
This area got slammed with the rain and a lot of flooding. We were fortunate, we only got some water in our basement. Now the sun is shining and it will warm up to 60 or so today which means that alot of the water will dry up. It is supposed to rain again on Monday, so hopefully the rivers and flooding will have a chance to go back to normal before then.
Opa: Sometimes I feel guilty about how early our spring starts here-it has been absolutely beautiful here the last week(except rain yesterday). Temps in the 70s and even a few low 80s and sunshine. At least the warmer temps give you a promise of things HOPEFULLY soon to come for you in Michigan. I told DH several years ago that I wanted a summer home in MI(Yeah right-we are not summer home kinda people
) because of your beautiful weather at that time of year. I'm sure you all will enjoy a temp of 64!
Here's hoping that you all get a break from all of the terrible weather you'va had this winter. You all truly deserve a break.

To all of my wonderful new "Opa's Place" friends-to each of you in honor of St. Paddy's Day(from an Irish gal):

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Have a wonderful day and, Opa, Maggie and Woody-ya'll enjoy those warmer temps today!
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Good day all, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Corned beef is going, but cole slaw instead of cooked cabbage, as a nod to the south. And potato pancakes.

Leftovers will be DH's dream, since I already have the sauerkraut, rye and swiss cheese for his beloved Reubens!

Cloudy, 50F day here, but I am expecting rain later. Daffodils and snowdrops are blooming, as are the camellias here and there. We have many different variities so we have camellias year round. The azaleas are giving serious thought to blooming.

Chickens are finally laying well, but they are such muddy eggs that I'm trying to just use them up rather than give away. I hit the pens with Stall-Dry yesterday, it helped some. It would help if they'd use the fancy nest boxes!

The 4 ducklings are still very quiet, but they are in a little room off the bedroom, so I'll be reworking that system soon! They are cute as bug's ears though, and what a mess! Still don't know what the one dark gray one is. Could be a black runner, but I'm leaning toward black Swede.

Sheila, thanks! And a Happy St. Paddy's Day!

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