Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Spend the afternoon using that medieval torture device called a thatching rake. I will probably pay the price tomorrow. Some of my old muscles are already singing out in protest. I know that the effort is time well spent but I don't have to think to long to come up with a list of things I'd rather be doing.
Laura, I've been called everything a man can be called except twice to eat. I'll be right there. Don't start without me.
Evening all.
Spent the evening trying to school a young rooster. Gorgeous bird, but Lord give me patience...
Woody, I'm with you, I would NEVER have thought of putting bleach anywhere near a hatching egg. Strange. Very nice of you to share your turkey eggs. I'm a homebody, too. Drives DH nuts. I tell him I'm just fine right here. I love people, just not a fan of crowds and things.
Opa I am going to show my ignorance and ask what a thatch rake is. I know leaf rakes, stall rakes, never heard of a thatch rake.
YakLady-You have a Harley? Boy my DH wants one so bad. I keep telling him he has enough toys!
A thatch rake can be used for preparing seed beds for planting but the more common use is spring lawn maintenance. Pull it forward through the grass and it pulls the dead grass out, push backwards and dead grass clears from the tines. Then with the back and forth motion and the rake never leaving the ground you open the lawn to guicker and healthier new growth.
Looking at that rake makes my back hurt. I now understand why you call it a medieval torture device. Would be handy to have one, though.
You're late! Had corned beef, cole slaw as a nod to the southern roots and potato pancakes. I am not far from blissful sleep now!

Enjoy your dinner, I bet it's yummy! How's the job going?
Trust me, that device will send you on the tortuous road to lawn maintenance. I beg you, do NOT get sucked into the evil side of of the fertilizer industry!
We are saving the corned beef for a party we are having this Sunday. Ugh, I'm not a big fan of kid's social events. I'd rather go to a grown up party.

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