Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Somebody needs to teach Woodrow how sit like a lady!!
There is a blue bar at the top of this page. On the right side there is the word "logout". I really need to click on that and go get some work done. If got to get brooders ready for the new chicks that are arriving next week. The neighbor needs help pruning his fruit trees. Mine orchard needs to be sprayed. I need to finish doing my taxes. I need to start preparing the emu eggs for carving. The list goes on and on, yet here I sit, surfing afraid I might miss something.
Sigh...I think I drop in here more to just drink coffee and see what others have to say more these last couple of days than say much myself. It IS nice to have a place to do that though.
Sheila, how goes the hatch? So far so good with the eggs I have in the incubators but I have found out a long time ago I can never predict which ones are going to make it to hatch.
This week I am getting some Indian Runner/Blue Swedish duck eggs. Sounds like an interesting mix.

My birds are all doing well. I had a HINT what my birthday present is going to be next week when I was over at my parents house...if I had to guess I would say either my dad is building a coop or the family will converge here some weekend to do so. (They arent good at keeping secrets,lol) I had suggested that since I am pretty inept at building that I was going to buy one and my mother strongly discouraged me from doing so.....
Only on here a little while before having to go out, have a few stops to make. Post office, feed store, grocery store, maybe kwik trip for a cappucino.
Enjoy this spring day all!
Hello! Woodrow is so funny! He looks like he's enjoying being on a box in an uncomfortable position.
Afternoon everyone. Hope you are all having a good day.
Maggie as far as my hatching goes, I just had a pretty humorous thing happen. DH had called and I was talking to him on the phone when I heard peeping coming from the incubator. I was trying to run to see if I had a chick hatching and tripped over the dog-landed flat on my tail. Phone went up in the air and I went down.
No chicks yet, but the peeping is a positive sign.
Hi ya'll,

I am fidgeting because DH is having his gallbladder surgery right now. I am still at home, he said stay there, don't come to the hospital before I am out and done. I think he's worried I'll get in trouble!

But he gets to come home tomorrow!
Going to drive me nuts for a while, but that's a two way street!
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Ranchhand, hope your DHs surgery goes well. I would be a little fidgety as well!

Sheila, LOL, that is one for the home videos....and peeping IS a good sign!

I just turned my eggs for the afternoon. It will be a little over a week yet (if I am counting it right) and I am impatient.

I sat with Max outside for a little while, the sun felt good. He kept running off to explore the yard then coming back for hugs. To myself and daughter he is like a big cuddly teddy bear but he terrifies nearly everyone else.

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