Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Phooey, I've got a broody. I had 8 broody hens last year and not one of them hatched anything. I feel that it must be something that I am doing or not doing, dunno what though. I guess I'll toss some eggs under her and see what happens. Won't get my hopes up though.

The good news is that someone very close to me is getting rid of some of their flock of layers and said i could have as many as I wanted, free of charge. Going to pick some up tomorrow evening. I thought I would take 10 -12. You don't get any better than free!
YAY!!!! I just found out that my pilgrim goose eggs ship this week!!!!!

On here for a little bit but then going to watch "The Blind Side". I have been wanting to see it.
Evening! I had tennis today, and Mom took us all out for pizza (which was very good).

Highlander, what are broody hens like? I've never had one go broody.
Worked on the emu eggs this afternoon. Enlarged the hole in the bottoms and washed with vinegar and removed as much of the membrane as possible. If you think the membrane of your chicken eggs are thick you haven't seen anything compared to the emu. Tomorrow I will pour urethane into them to strengthen the shell. I pour it in, swirl the egg to insure it covers everywhere, pour out the excess and wait for it to dry. I'll probably do that 3 or 4 times before I start carving on them. Still trying to decide what to carve but I am leaning towards doing a rooster on one of them.
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Hi everybody!

DH made it just fine, he might be allowed to come home today. I hope so, because my sleep schedule is all cattywompus now.

Ducklings will be moving to a larger brooder today, they have grown almost triple in 1.5 weeks! Cute as can be but very skittish as I haven't spent much time with them.
What do you coat it with to keep it from fading? I selected an emu egg for it's rich color, then it faded
. Man was I bummed!!
What does cattywompus mean? I'm glad you and your DH can go home now.

Same with my little chickies. They're really big!
Hi PK, apparently I don't spell it properly!
It's something I picked up in Texas.


(informal) In disarray or disorder; askew.
Measure carefully before cutting, or the entire structure will turn out cattywampus.
Those lenses are cattywampus.

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