Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I thought I'd show you a picture of a couple of eggs lying in one of my old big hands. One is a typical large egg while the second is a "I better go look for a broke hen" kind of egg. It weigh 3.75 ounces. When you figure that a jumbo egg weighs 2 ounces this is a big egg.

Ok, Sam... Here's a few pics of baby #1, getting to know me and the ducklings:






So is he a roo? He sure is a cute little fuzz ball! The ducklings immediately went over to preen/cuddle him. He would shriek out a loud "PEEP!!!!!!" and the ducklings would jump back in terror as if he was the one that was 3 times as big as them.
Caycee he is still to wet for me to tell for sure but first guess is cockerel. Try and get a good close up of its head tomorrow.
Morning is here according to my old man metabolism but the sun hasn't put itself on DST so here I sit waiting for it to rise. Yesterday I removed quite alot of dirt from my large fowl coup and today will take out some more and this replace it with clean sand. I'm sure the garden will benefit from the addition of the old stuff.
Hey, Sam! Here are a few more pics. It's hard to get clear shots of them, because they're a moving target.
I've got two more now. I think what I've got, based on what you told me to look for is one boy and two girls. What I know for sure is that they're cute as all heck! They seem to be doing fine with the ducklings, so I'll leave them together. Egg #4 is pipped this morning. Nothing from egg #5 yet. I'll leave it in the bator for a couple of days to see what happens.

Here's a pic of baby #1:

Here are a couple of pics of the other two:

Checking my birds this morning I discovered that some critter, I suspect a raccoon, tried digging under the cage on my bantam tractor. It tried in three different locations. I baited a live trap but I also prepared a surprize should it come back tonight. The tractor now has a hot wire 3 inches from the ground. That should get the attention of my digger.
About 1:00 this afternoon there was a knock on my door. It was my sister with what is in the picture below-along with food, dishes, toys, bed and blanket. I wasn't too sure about this at first, but he is really sweet and friendly-think I'm gonna keep him-his name is Cupid and he is 9 weeks old.


YakLady your chicks are so cute.
Opa give whatever is digging at your tractor what for! Darn predators.

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