Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Hoping all goes well for you today, Maggie.
Thanks Sheila!

Okay, my blood (hemoglobin) has come up some so they arent going to do another bone marrow biopsy right now. I am SO happy about that!! Painful isnt the word....
About my heart, from the monitor they had me put on for a couple of days, he said my heart never relaxes. I know some of that is due to stress but they are trying to figure out if thats the only reason.
They are putting me on some new meds too because the doc also said my carotid artery narrows, which he says is quite common.
All in all, not TOO bad.

Today I have had two little Pekin/Blue Swedish ducks hatch so far. I have more due on the 11th and 28th (Indian Runner crosses).
So that was a nice thing to come back to.
During a few hour period between my first appointment and second appointment we went over to Barnes and Noble (my favorite place) and I got the sixth book in a series I am reading. My mom got a book called "Ghost Stories of Southeastern Minnesota" because most of the places they mentioned, we had been to or at least had visited the area. I was surprised because she doesnt read ghost stories....though I think after my sister died it made her re-think a lot of things, especially considering the activity that goes on in the family house. Enough of that though.
Ranchie, I too am trying to decide who to keep and who not to. I have done quite a bit of hatching this spring and need to do some deciding. If we were in the country I would probably just keep everybody. I dont mind the work, I actually like it. I will weed out the roosters first and then go from there. Its not easy!!
Looks as if we are in store for some wild and wet weather. The forecast calls for thunderstorms
but that still is better than snowstorms.

I've got to leave early this morning to go to a job we've got going. Two different subcontractors are scheduled for today but I'm not sure how the weather may affect them since both will be working outside. While I trust the people we have hired, part of my responsiblity towards the homeowner is to be there anytime anyone is working in their home.

The new chicks are growing by leaps and bounds but they certainly are some wasteful eaters. They bill out all of the feed from the feeder so I am going to try redesigning it if I get home early enough. I've glued up a 3" PVC pipe to form an el. The upper leg is 3' and the lower is 12". I need to pick up both an internal and an external cap. I drilled 4 holes in the top of the bottom leg so the birds will have to reach in to get feed and they shouldn't be able to bill it out.
Well, I got 4 10 month and 2 3 month old barred rocks from popcornpuppy yesterday. It was nice to meet another BYCer, and she was very nice as well as her daughter who helped her get the chickens boxed up. It was a beautiful day to take a ride to get chickens. I tell you if everyday was like a beautiful May day the world would be a much happier place. Because how can you possibly be in a bad mood on a beautiful day? Today is going to be the same, but of course it is going to rain this weekend and cool off. Oh well, you can't have everything. Everyone have a good day, I have to go to work soon.
hey everyone, sorry to here the weather is so bad opa its not to good here overcast and drizzly which i hate as i never now if to go out with little Lily its the whole will i get soaked wont i routine and i dont realy wanna get soaked ive only just got over a cold but you know when you dress up warm the sun will com out from behind the clouds and bake you especially as we go out on the push bike with lily in her trailer not really anywhere to carry spare cloths for both evetualitys but we did pop out today, have been and got the chocxblack orp eggs and have just posted highlander her's ive opened another thread so go have a look and join up im hoping she will keep us all posted on how it goes, lol and you can all laugh at my packing job she has to fight through to claim her prize


The thunder and lightning rolled through all morning and at times the rain was quite hard. Then the sun came out and I went out to work of the drip waterer system for the chicken tractor I have the 5 week old chicks in. I was almost done with in a matter of moments the sun disappeared and the thunder and lightning returned. Hopefully I can finish tomorrow. I want to have all of my coops rigged with a water supply of at least 5 gallons. That way if I decide to go somewhere David won't have to come here every day to water birds for me.

Natalie, that is very nice of you to see that the Thistle gets chocolate orpingtons. They certainly are beautiful birds. Too bad we can't get them here. I'm really surprized that someone hasn't managed to breed them here. If I was younger and smarter I would love trying to develop them.
Maybe younger Sam, but you're plenty smart! Sorry the bad weather is hitting ya'll right now. It's 90F and 90% humidity here today, so not much fun.

Nat, fabulous job on the eggs, Highlander is a lucky gal! Hopefully she can make her way through the packaging. Sorry you all are having the icky weather, too.
Granny has the television on and they are showing the weather map and it sure looks scary. Rain is depicted as green and heavier and stronger storms are yellow and red. There currently is a line of storms just 30 miles west of here that is mostly yellow and red. High winds, heavy rain, lightening, large hail, the possiblity of tornadoes. Sure sounds like it's about to get interesting.

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