Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

And some folks claim wishing does no good.
To them.
I have the eleven 5 week old chicks in the tractor and the amount of food they wasted was incredible. That is until Friday. I decided to try a new idea for a feeder using 3" PVC. I glued up a 36" piece, a 90 degree elbow, and a 12" piece. I then glued a 30 cent internal cap to the end of the 12" piece. With the 36" upright I marked the top center line of the 12" piece. Using a 2" hole saw I drilled 3 evenly spaced holes. An external end cap for the 36" end completed it. I mounted the pipe to the tractor and filled the pipe with feed. I just checked this morning a not a bit of feed is on the ground yet the chicks are lined up eating like pigs at a trough.
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Granny was happy to find the roses sitting on the table when she got up but I think she was happier to find a fresh cinnamon roll from the bakery sitting on her plate.

Hope's oldest son, wife and daughter, and her 2nd son's wife and little boy will be here later this afternoon for dinner. I'm glad for Hope's sake that they are coming. As is often the case with the mother of sons they don't always get the attention they should.
Hi Opa! Did Hope enjoy the visit? (I know she did!) It was my first mother's day without any of my sons. It felt very strange. It prompted me to buy a plane ticket for next weekend to see two of them. The weekend after, we will all get together up in Seattle. I just couldn't wait.
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well the weather people were right for once unfortunately. We have had snow off and on for the last 2 days. By the looks of things we are going to have 365 days of winter this year.
Thistle, my darlin' girl sorry to read that you're still having to deal with snow. Our weather the last few days has been extremely cold and I think the frost may have been hard enough to adversely affect my apple orchard.

Three more days and I'll need to take the eggs out of the turner so I guess I'd better get the hatcher turned on and up to temperature. I haven't candled the eggs yet so maybe I should do that later today. Hopefully I'll have a good hatch but I've had trouble with the humidity so I'm not very optimistic.

Cold and rain is our forecast for the rest of the week. We've got a large job that I had hope to get alot done on this week so that when David gets back next week we could get it wrapped up before the end of the month. David has gone south to visit his mother and brothers and the weather where he is at is just even worse than ours. While it's warmer there, the risk of tornadoes is much higher. That really sucks to take a vacation and then have the weather bad the entire time you're off.
Did you all have a nice Mother's Day? Mine was good, DH and children built me a strawberry patch, and bought me a topsy turvy that I've always wanted to try. Unfortunately I didn't get to see my Mom, because she had her last chemo last Monday, and she is just not feeling good and is very tired. She asked if we could do it next weekend when she is feeling better instead. We ended up going to my MIL's who insists on cooking a big dinner for everyone. We wanted to take her out, but she wants to do it, she has 5 kids, 2 DIL's, 1SIL, and 5 grandchildren and she insists on catering to us. I told my husband, that when I am her age, my children better not expect that from me on Mother's Day. She says as long as she can do this, she will be, because taking care of her family is what makes her happy. The best part of Mother's Day to me, is my children tried not to fight and it was a pretty quiet time.

I got my chickens from popcornpuppy last Friday, 6 barred rocks. She had quite a nice bunch of birds, some beautiful birds I believe she had bred from eggs that she got from speckledhen. So now I have doubled my flock, and doubled my work.

Thistle sorry to hear about the snow. It has been pretty cold here too, but fortunately no snow. We did have hail on Saturday though.

Opa I hope the weather improves for your son.
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Cold, wet, dreary day. Just the kind of day that soup makes an ideal supper. So I made a batch of potato soup and it sure went down easy. Hope wondered aloud if this would this be considered a comfort food and I told her that I figured any meal she didn't have to cook she would considered it to be a comfort food.
Hello all friends!

Lovely few days here so I am taking full advantage of it! Goldie should be hatching her 7 eggs any minute now and I spend entirely too much time outside watching and waiting. Grumpy little devil. Pecks the hmm-hmm out of me when I shove food her way!

Other than that, not much in the way of news. Hope all the ailing are improving, I won't list the names but please know you are all in my thoughts, as well as your families.

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