Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Afternoon all. Hope the day finds you all well and happy.
I myself have been fighting a bout of bronchitis/pneumonia-not pleasant at all.

My broody Sumatra is setting on eggs and man o man is she ANGRY-she has jumped up in my face twice-needless to say I have decided that she can eat and drink when she wants-not when I want her to.

My ducklings are growing at an alarming rate-they are absolutely adorable and soft...BUT, they are messy! Whew-it is a job keeping them clean. Thank heavens it is warm enough that they are already in the outside brooder. My Jaerhons should start hatching on the 17th and I'm really excited about those.
Well, ya'll take care and enjoy the weather(except for you poor folk that are still dealing with the cold).
Sheila, so sorry to know you are sick. But on the bright side..... 3 days? Hang in there!

Went out to sit in my rocking chair a while ago, just needed to rest the bum hip. Heard a noise, looked towards the right into the azaleas that are right there.... and about 4 feet away there's a long snakeskin hanging. I'm thinking "cool". Looked a bit left..... and there's an easily 4 foot yellow rat snake eyeball to eyeball with me.

I don't mind snakes, I let the good ones live in peace. But I do NOT want the dang thing hanging over my shoulder!

I ended up watching him/her for quite some time. Finally slinked down and wandered off under the shrubs.

My ducks are beyond messy and into pigsty. I had forgotten how messy they are. Highlander says I should jar up the stinky, poopy mud and sell it as a beauty treatment, the latest thing from Hollywood! I think the smell alone would triple the value!

We had a tiny earthquake tremor this morning, about 5 a.m. All of a 2.8 on the scale.
The seismologists do keep saying this area is overdue for a big quake - the last one was in 1886. Of course, the last big hurricane was in 1989, Hugo. So we are overdue for another of those too.

Well any way you look at it, it's been an interesting day! Now if only Goldie would DO something about those eggs under her tush........
We hardly ever have the slightest tremor, seldom have tornadoes, never have hurricanes, rarely have summer days much over mid 80's, if only winter didn't last the biggest part of the year.
True, Sam, but I don't need a snowblower either!

How you is? Still working too much for too little?
Well I'd rather have a snowblower in my garage, than to have snakes in my chicken coop. I also believe that there was a good reason God made some feller smart enough to invent the snake removal tool called a hoe.
Venomous snakes go to snake heaven. I keep a sharp shovel out by the pens, as well as a snake stick DH made. Non-venomous snakes are encouraged to eat anywhere but the nest boxes! I just hate when they hang in the trees over me!

Another pretty day, but expecting 90F this afternoon. Wish I could sent it to Highlander and Opa!
That's pretty much the forecast for the next 12 hours and then it's supposed to clear up. Finished work early and as soon as I can get a couple of cups of coffee down my neck I'm going to try and clean my shop.

Wish me luck, as I have 42 eggs coming out of the turner and going into the 3 day lock down. I'm fighting the urge to stick another 2 dozen in the incubator. I thinki if I do you can all know that I have officially lost my mind.

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