Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I sure wish that I would quit waking up at 4 am. It makes the day entirely too long. Took Granny to a pain management specialist this morning and he seems to thinks he can get her a little relief from the pain that the arthritis in her back is causing her. I have to take her Thursday for a MRI. She is claustrophobic and the thought of being in a tube terrifies her. The doctor gave her a prescription to rendered her numb and stupid so it shouldn't be too bad.

Moved the electric poultry fence to a different area and raked the previous area. The birds always seem to enjoy the move.

Daisy is still doing reasonably well. She has continued to eat. Sleeps a lot but when she's awake she is more like her old self. I just going to enjoy what ever time she has left.
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Hey Guys This Thread looks so cool
Love how i noticed it 200 pages in lol :) So it says how your day went: Its going pretty good i just got an odd job on Wednesday. Moving some bricks and cement bags around and stuff. Yayy
So sad theres only a week of summer vacation left

On the bright side 17 days until the chicks hatch
Howdy everyone!
Opa I'm so glad Daisy seems to be feeling a bit better. You are absolutely right, enjoy every moment you have with her.
Highlander you're vacation pics are wonderful-looks like a lovely place to visit. Eastern Europe is someplace I would love to see.
I've been TRYING to incubate some more Call ducks. I ended up with 1 little beauty out of 17-they are VERY difficult to hatch, but I just love the breed and won't stop trying to hatch me out a little flock.
Not much going on in my world, we have had storms roll through just about every afternoon so that shuts down any outside work for the evening.
Gotta tell you guys, I am ready for fall-ready for the cooler temps. and the end of hurricane season.
USS Chicago

For everyone else,
and hope you are all doing well!
Goodness, I haven't posted in a while! I come in and read pretty much daily, but this is such a busy time for us. Not just the birds, dogs and cats, but DH is working long hours so I am trying to keep the garden going as well.

I was out changing waterers just now, so naturally a big thunderstorm rolled in.
For those who don't know my history, I am a dang lightning rod. Stuff finds me. This time of year we have storms almost every afternoon. Ick! We have lots of big trees and apparently my head is a target for falling branches, too.

I have managed to rehome NINE chickens in July, so far!
Five roosters and 4 hens have all gone to people I feel really good about. I listed groups on the local CL and had all good responses. I am downsizing, otherwise I wouldn't be selling hens. But between my funky hip and the feed bill it didn't make sense to have 24. So 16 now, and 4 ducks, who are all females. The Ameraucana hens were not the quality birds I'd hoped for, so they are mostly gone as pets.

The 4 ducks are a delight! I just love watching them. Now that some chickens are gone the ducks will have a larger pen to spread mud and poo in.
They are tons of fun, but be aware before you get any. They are messy.

CCMH, about the same downsizing happening here. Starting with the bird care. I can't keep up these days.

Sam, I'm very happy to hear Daisy is hanging on. Just keep her happy and comfortable, I sure hope somebody will do that for me someday!

Chicago, welcome! I see you out and around a lot! Only a week left? Summer break goes faster every year!

PK, how ya doing? When do your homeschool classes start?

IIF, sorry about the quail, glad about the work. Do you mean a mohawk as in haircut? You have to humor us old folks...

viejo, I am a cat and dog person. Actually, whatever it is I am a sucker. I raised a tarantula, albeit unwillingly, for several years.

Highlander? Ahem. xx, ya numpty.
Nice haircut, incubatingisfun!

Ranchie, I'm doing great, classes start on the 5th of August.
I have nothing against the new styles, but that looks like a straight comb to me! Yup, it's a rooster, all right!

couldn't help it....

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