Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Opa - wonderful story about the birth of your son.
You do have a way with words. Is he the one who lost his custom cowboy hat?
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Yep, he's the one. I just asked him the other day if the police had any word about his truck and he told me "Nope and not my hat either".

A little while ago I went to check the water for the birds and also check the broody Vorwerk bantam hen I have. I was a pleasant surprise to see a little yellow headed chick looking up at me when I opened the lid. I'll check again later and try to get some pictures.
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Mix of funny and terrible in terms of egg deliveries.

So, I just remember that I may or may not be overdue when it comes to one of my client's twice a month egg delivery. Being in pjs, I can't exactly go over. So, I remember that I had a clean, nice pair of pants... that turn out to be my other pj pants, which don't even have a waistband. The other clean objects are a miniskirt for tennis and a sweater dress. (I missed the stripy capris on my dresser somehow.) Choosing the more modest option, I pick the sweater dress. In mid-July. I THEN find out that it's a lot smaller than I thought. At this point, I just put on my boots and dash out the door. As I get to their house, I THEN see that I put my dress on backwards. I ring the doorbell, and then find out that they're not home anyway. (They always want their deliveries around this time) So it was all for nothing.
Had a lot of rain yesterday.
Started with a cloud burst about 8:00 am, and rained hard and steady until 03:00 am last night. I haven't see that much rain since I was caught in a typhoon in thr Phillipines back in '65. I guess the Monsoon season has started here in Deming.
Now, we join the rest of you with the high humidity, and temps that are too high for comfort.

PK, I hope you doctored that toothpick injury well. And, you should always keep a set of sweats handy for when things like that occur. No one notices sweats now-a-days, but adress on backward.?..
Sorry, but that is funny. I worked on a VLA in Maricopa, Az in 1968 as part of a contract we had. Very impressive operation. I heard there was another in Selma, Alabama also.

Happy birthday to your son, Opa. Wish
him the best for me. (Loved the story)...
Cloudy and muggy here this morning. Thunderstorms rolled through last night and there were tornado warning for several hours. I guess a couple were on the ground forty miles to the south of me but I haven't heard the extent of the the damage yet.

The temperature is already approaching 80 degrees and is expected to top out at 95 with a heat index of 100. Those are conditions one would expect in Louisanna not Michigan. As luck would have it the air conditioner coil has decided to start icing up so I had to shut it off. I'll have to call for service later this morning.

Two days ago the broody Vorwerk hen hatched out one chick and a second egg was pipped. Late morning yesterday that egg was zipped all around the top. Shortly after lunch, the hen was off the nest, and there was no further progress with that one or the other four. I watched the egg for awhile, could not detect any movement, so I gingerly remove the cap and dumped the chick into the nest. To my surprize there was movement. Just before dark I pick the hen up and only the four eggs were in the nest, no chicks. I looked everywhere with no luck. I picked the hen up again, still no chicks, then first one then the other dropped out. They were nestled under her wings and when I picked her up I had trapped them against her body.
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Man this is heat is unbearable. The heat index is right at 100 and that is just too hot for man or beast. Thunderstorms keep rolling through and then the sun comes back out. It's practically a sauna in the house. The repairman called at said he'll be here in an hour. Hopefully he can get the air conditioner up and running.

I went out to check the birds and discovered the newly hatched hamburg chick had fallen out of the cage and the large fowl hens had nailed her pretty good. I've reworked the bottom of the cage. It is a metal shelve with a 1x4 grid that I had placed cardboard over. There was one small spot that the cardboard hadn't covered and of course she managed to find it. I've put her back with the hen and time will tell if she makes it.

I've been sitting here typing and watching my old Jack Russell terrier. She's sixteen years old and I think she might be dying. She hasn't eaten in two days, is extremely lethargic and only wants to lie near me. I tried feeding her some ice cream and she wouldn't even look at it. She doesn't seem to be in distress, she is just fading away. Unless she becomes much worse I think it might be best to let her go on her terms.

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