Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Tiger, glad to hear you may be missing Irene.. I was going to ask.. Just a little slow, I guess.. Hope you get to feeling better soon...

CCMH, I don't think you can kill this thread.. Opa has too many friends, and they would never let it happen.. ( I did love your discription, though..) You have the heart of a true poet...
I'd wondered where you'd been. When I don't feel good, I'm the same way....just leave me alone and let me be!!

Glad to hear that Irene shouldn't be a problem for you.

BTW...Laura's worried about you over on FB
Ranchie I really hope Irene misses you, and you feel better.
We were getting really nervous there for a while because all the stations were saying it could be a direct hit on Central Ma where I live. Now they are saying it will probably be a category 1 when it gets here so that will be a big relief. The only thing I am worried about is the ten inches of rain predicted. If we get that my basement will definitely flood.
Sam hope you return soon, and feel all better too.
Thinking of everyone in Irene's path and hoping you all stay safe.

Sam: hope you and your computer feel better soon! Hurry back.
MamaG, I hope Irene didn't cause you too much trouble.. My niece in Quincy had a tree blow over onto a neighbors car, but she didn't have any damage herself.. My prayers go out to all the east coast people...

Sam, Come back to us soon, and in better health...
Well I've got my computer back but still have to get the wireless router working before I will be able to post easily.

Karl, I used to eat a lot of snapping turtle and one way I really enjoyed it was to cut the meat in small pieces, dredge with flour, a little salt and black pepper, quick fry until brown, cover with water, add a small diced onion, a can of mushroom soup, and then simmer for an hour. I then would cook up a package of egg noodles and add to the turtle. Good eats.

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