Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I get that too....scares me. Including every lightening storms, I would just keep sniffing around. Many times, its the downwind from other houses that got burned and the wind can carry that smell for miles. Stinks big time but you never forget it!

After the day passes, you don't think about it anymore until you wake up again with that smell....could it be our sensory curcuits going overboard? Has to be a reason for it.
I see you are online Sam, was hunting a wash this morning?

I have had a house burn to the ground, it started with with myself and my dogs in it during the middle of the night, you are not paranoid. It is always prudent to check things out when you think you smell someting burning. Even with smoke detectors everywhere, I would never have been able to go back to sleep!
Right now I am sitting in the house looking out the window watching a food plot of clover that I planted last summer. It's just under a hundred yards from the house so I guess I am sitting in a real comfortable deer blind. Last year I shot two by just stepping out on the deck.
All I saw today was turkeys. The yard was full of them for most of the day. The last few years of his life, my father loved sitting looking out the window at the bird feeders. I had installed pulleys and ropes on all of the to fascilitate filling them and his birds would go through 50 pounds of black oil sunflower seeds each week. His largest percentage of birds were cardinals and it was nothing to see 50 to 60 cardinals in the yard at one time.

Were he still living, and living here, I'm sure he would insist on feeding the turkeys and we'd probably be going through 50# of corn each week. I'm glad that we can focus on how wonderfully his life affected us and how he was able to exit this mortal coil with his dignity intact. While we still miss him, I think most days my occasionally mentioning something Dad would have done or liked makes Granny's grief a little easier to bear. In some small way he hasn't left.

I wonder how many of you saw the video of the pig in China that was born deformed and absent its back legs. Somehow it has managed to learn to ambulate by walking upright on its front legs. One scene shows the farmer holding onto the vistigial leg stumps as the hog travels in a wheelbarrow posture. Other scenes show it walking on its front feet and traveling quite some distance. Not being able to read Chinese and with limited information accompanying the video, I don't know if the farmer helped the hog learn this or if he learned in on its own. Hopefully this link will work so that you can see the miracle of will. http://strongmail.real.com/track?t=...learns-walk-upright-front-legs-201120041.html
The weekend has come and gone without any deer. Turkeys abound but the deer have been staying away. I guess that I have to force myself to head for my usual hunting spot and deal with the conditions. I need to take 6 deer so I had better get serious or this season will be over be for I realize it.

I did spend a few hours this weekend scanning old photos and then had Granny identify all the people that I didn't know. She only has 9 or 10 more albums that I need to go through. As much of a hassle this is, it would be sad to have all these old photographs and not know who people are. While Granny loves her digital picture frame and the opportunity to see the old photos she has found having to go through all the old photos to be very sad as well. So many of the people shown have passed. She said she didn't know if she could do it. When I told her that if she couldn't then we might as well throw them all away, since what is the sense of having a bunch of pictures that i don't know the people, she decided she would make herself do it.

One benefit of sorting through them is that there were many photographs that we could forward on to those to whom the photos would mean so much more. For instance, one of Granny's brothers was killed in action during WWII. His daughter was born a couple of months after he went overseas and after his wife remarried we weren't able to be as close to my cousin as we might have been had her father not been killed. While she did maintain a somewhat limited contact with my grandmother, it wasn't until after she became an adult that she established contact with the extended family. In Granny's collection were pictures of her mothers side of the family that she had never seen. Since they held no significance to me, I forwarded them on to her.

Granny had always been pretty active and it's only been the few years that she hasn't been able to do just about anything she wanted. When we discovered this picture of her on one of Joe's mules, taken the fall she turned 80, she remarked, "wonder if I could still get on him".
Aargh, you put your Granny on a MULE?! That is one ugly bugger lOL! However, she should be able to get back on a horse LOLOL! She must have had horses all in her life.

I have a great uncle who was also killed by a German sniper on the last day of the war, as he was driving an ambulance. I thought many soldiers would know not to shoot at anything that has a red cross on vehicles. He was shot thru the head, lived for a few hours before he died. Left behind a wife who was pregnant with his daughter, later stillborn. He also had another daughter, a stillborn as well....tragedy struck his family, no living descendents from him. My Dad met his wife just prior to her death a few years ago, she still loved him, kept all of his letters but she was happily married for the second time, and had kids with no problems thereafter. Don't you hate that when you had to deal with so many losses?

Fun part is going to the courthouse, getting information about relatives by birth certificates, marriage certificates and death certificates. Rarely I saw divorce papers, my grandpa and grandma on maternal side were notorious about going off...some stories about him hot trotting to his mistress (Grandma) while he was still married to his second wife. He said he has been married once before marrying Grandma but as the records indicate, this was his third marriage AND he had two daughters from his second wife that mom didn't know. She was told that she had a half brother and half sister which it was true. When I found out about it, I had to ask Grandpa about it, he went off on me told me I'm a liar, etc. Never had a good relationship with him but funny, they were married for a good forty years together until Grandma passed away. Why do old farts like them live longer than my ever nice other set of grandparents? Seems like the good ones die first before the crotchy old ones do. Seems lke that everywhere I go, the more you are bitter or angry, the longer you live. Seems like they made a pact with the Devil himself!

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